Why you should take up Photography
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Why you should take up Photography

Why you should take up Photography

Have you been wondering if you should take up photography? I made the decision to work on my photography skills a few years ago, and it was the best decision I ever made.

Here’s some reasons why you should take up photography:

To keep your memories

Some people have excellent memories. I am not one of them. I’ve forgotten so many things which have happened in the last year that I sometimes wonder what’s going on with my brain. However if you show me a photo of the day you’re talking about, I’m immediately transported back to how I felt, and what I did that day.

Photography allows you to keep those special memories, including graduations, birthdays, weddings, births, and those random days you never think are going to be special, but end up being the moments you look back on and smile.


Because its fun

Many people think that photography is hard, or it  requires a lot of skill. But the more you practice the better you get, and you’re likely to find yourself wanting to practice, since photography is just so fun.

You’ll get to capture expressions on children, beautiful landscapes, bright colours in markets, fun memories with friends and family, and everything in between. And as you become a better photographer you’ll learn what makes a good photo, and how you can edit it to make it even better.

Youll notice more details

Photography changes how you see the world. All of a sudden you’ll be noticing how the light hits someones face, the texture of a flower, and so many shapes, colours, trees, and flowers. You’ll become almost child-like in your wonder, and see beauty everywhere.

This ability to notice things is sure to make you a better photographer as well.

Its challenging

Often in life we end up in a rut. We might get into a routine, and realise we’re bored with life and need a challenge. Photographers are constantly growing their skills, and there’s so much to learn about photography and editing your photos that it may seem a little overwhelming at first. However if you take the time to read as much as you can, practice at every moment, and continue to see it as a fun, creative outlet, you’ll find yourself enjoying the challenge.

Technology has changed photography

There are now so many incredible cameras on the market, that there’s something for everyone, whether you’re a beginner or an old pro.

Clifton Cameras as one of the largest ranges you’ll find anywhere, along with plenty of accessories if you’re just getting started, and they often give video reviews of different cameras so you can see which is better for your needs.

Because technology is changing so fast, it’s vital that you talk to the experts or do your research so you can know which camera is right for you. This will often depend on how you like to take your photos, your budget, and the types of photos you find most attractive. For camera options, you can watch the video review below to give you some ideas: