What’s on my desk?
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What’s on my desk?

What’s on my desk?

As a freelancer, I’m not constrained by company policy, and I can have anything I like on my desk. A recent campaign by Furniture at Work called #MyDeskStory got me thinking about the things we keep on our desks, how they impact our productivity, and what they say about us.  

For the most part, I tend to keep my desk fairly clutter-free, as I have a tendency to collect junk otherwise.

Along with the typical pens, pencils, laptop stand, extra keyboard, mouse, and notebooks, I have one sentimental item.


A month ago, I was the maid of honor for my best friend’s wedding. It was an amazing day and she was a beautiful bride. As part of her gifts to her bridesmaids, she got us all these amazing boxes. Mine is pink, with my name in rose gold along the top. Inside the box, she wrote us each a heartfelt letter and included our bridesmaid robes, a facemask, a luggage tag, some gorgeous pearl earrings, and even a personalized cup and makeup bag- both of them with our names on them.

These gifts are amazing, and I keep this box on my desk not only because it’s beautiful and personalized, but because it reminds me of that day and the whole experience of standing beside her as her life changed. It’s also the perfect size to store special documents and other bits and pieces that I would rather not have out on my desk.

The things we choose to put on our desk are special since we look at them every day. They’re the pictures that keep us going when we’re having a bad day, the knickknacks we pick up and examine when we’re brainstorming, and the things we like to surround ourselves with we’re working on our project of the day.

For me, as soon as I saw this box, I knew it would have a spot on my work desk. Not only is it beautiful and personalized, but it’s a great memory to think about when I’m working hard, and a great way to store some of the papers and things that would otherwise be taking up space and contributing to the clutter that tends to overwhelm my work life.

What’s on your desk? Whether you work from home or in an office, the things you’ve chosen to keep on your desk say a lot about you. Leave a comment below and share something special that’s on your desk.