Travel Ennui Is Real – Here’s How To Overcome It
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Travel Ennui Is Real – Here’s How To Overcome It

Travel Ennui Is Real – Here’s How To Overcome It

It’s quite common for people to delay travelling or focusing on their exploration of the world out of a sense of ennui. We have previously written about travel anxiety and even being strong despite hard circumstances, but these issues are different from the sense of discomfort and distaste in traveling that can permeate the feeling of ennui. Travel ennui is real. It’s not hard to understand why. Travel is hard. It takes time, effort, investment, energy and a great deal of uncertainty.

If you’re not anxious or apprehensive when entering a completely new country, trying to adapt to a form of accommodation you’re not used to, or meeting people you can barely speak to, you’re likely stronger than Wonder Woman herself. However, these issues are often quite small in comparison to the raw wonder, beauty to experience and curiosity to satiate when you finally arrive at your destination.

But how should you focus on travel ennui? Are there remedies to rectify this? Could someone who has perhaps neglected to head on vacation for the last ten years finally pick up and head somewhere they will cherish?

Of course they can! If you find that you yourself feel this way, it might be worth considering the following actions:


The act of traveling itself can often be quite a tiring one. Long flights, trains and taxi’s can often lead you to feel much more drained than you might have originally thought. Some people are fearful of planes, meaning that driving to a location or taking other transport could be a much longer affair. However, travel can be a positive experience if you let it. Instead of feeling the rush to head to your new location in a matter of hours, it could be that you make the journey part of the travel, even affording yourself an extra few days or simply making it part of the vacation.

You might decide to head for the more scenic route. It might be you rent a car and drive down the fame highways of the European country you now inhabit. With the right road partner, this could be excellent. It might simply be taking a new form of transport, such as a boat instead of a plane. It might be summing up the courage to travel via plane for the first time in your life, and allowing yourself to feel victory in overcoming that. People often consider traveling to a destination as one of the more boring and challenging parts of a trip. If you plan accordingly, you can make this part of the entire experience, and something to absolutely cherish. So why not try?



We all need positive companionship no matter where we go. Without potentially insulting your family or friends, might it be that certain people are less enjoyable to head on vacation with? If you’ve noticed you travel with your extended family and circumstances always seem to devolve into an argument, might you just go with your romantic partner instead?

If you’re a regular reader of this blog, you’ll no doubt understand the beauty of traveling alone, and some of the wonder this could help you experience on a one to one basis. Sometimes, it might be that heading on your own personal adventure, exploring at your own pace in directions you deem suitable, could be your best method of finding an experience you’ll remember for years to come.


Celebrating something can be an excellent motivator to get up and finally travel after some time. For example, it might be that you have recently become engaged, or that you have passed your finals to qualify you for a lucrative job. No matter what you have achieved, or how fortunately fate has shined down upon you, you can bet that you’ll be in the mood to celebrate when that positivity comes to pass.

Starting a new chapter of life or celebrating an achievement can be best done when coupled with adventure, with a new, refreshing experience to tell. Heading abroad, even to well known party locations, can help you break the seal of your lack of travel and help you benefit in the future. This might mean heading to locations you might not have considered, to conduct new activities you might have kept at arms length, among many other things. If you can sum up the bravery to ask someone to marry you, scuba diving is likely no problem at all.


Many people find travel ennui because of the fairly accellerated nature in which it is likely conducted. If it takes a few days to travel somewhere, and then you only have around ten days to experience the location, you are always aware of time slipping before you have to return home to your normal life. This can put people off, especially those who might not want to spend on a temporary experience. Of course, purchasing an experience is perhaps the wisest thing you can do with your money, but some people feel otherwise.

However, travel is not simply a one and done scenario. You can absolutely decide to find a more permanent or semi-permanent solution by orchestrating matters to live abroad for a matter of months or even years.

To do this is more than feasible, as there are amazing properties in areas like Indonesia – or Malaysia – going for very competitive price. To search for these, make a home or a vacation home out of one, and enjoy a long term travel solution can help you experience a slower vacation pace, and thus enjoy and savor it more.

Peace & Quiet

It might be that you need a mental refresher. This isn’t a bad thing – more people could absolutely do with one. Traveling to a peaceful location can help you get your thoughts in order, to rectify your understanding of something, to reflect, and to find peace. It might be you travel to a beautiful peaceful temple district in Japan, or even find comfort in fishing in the rural villages of England. If you live in a highly populated country or city, you likely know just how frantic life can get. Consider the opportunity for peace to be one of the main drivers here, and you can potentially experience life at its best – slow, relaxed and observant.

Travel ennui is real, and can sometimes be debilitating. With these simple remedies, you are sure to find a natural solution.