Top Tips for Staying Fresh on the Road

Top Tips for Staying Fresh on the Road

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It’s no secret that traveling can be really demanding on your body – long flights, bus rides, food poisoning, cold showers and so forth. I personally take a few products from home that I find essential to keeping myself healthy, smelling good and sane while traveling.

Here are the products and tips I regularly use when I travel:


1) Great Deodorant

There’s nothing worse than being stuck in the vivid heat of Asia unprepared. You will NOT smell good. There are a number of brands of deodorants that you can purchase, but I tend to stick with Rexona. Bare in mind, if you’re traveling to Asia in particular, that many countries only seem to sell deodorants that contain bleach in them. For someone who is already pasty white and doesn’t like the idea of coating themselves in harsh chemicals, this is a terrifying thought. I always take a spare deodorant with me to Asia so I don’t have to worry about buying locally. Check out Rexona Clincial Reviews for more information about great deodorants.

2) Refreshing Moisturiser

Airplane rides wreak havoc on my skin. I think it’s a combination of the fact flights tend to be really dehydrating, with the recycled cabin air and pressure inside the plane. All of these factors combined with usually poor sleep results in my skin looking like a war zone. As such, I always take special precautions to ensure I have a small, refreshing moisturiser on hand. At the moment I’m using Mac Strobe cream which is great because it has a little shimmer, which brightens up your face after a crappy flight. I often use a face mask as well during the flight to keep things really hydrated.


3) Travel Pillow

It took me so long to get around to buying one of these travel pillows, in fact it wasn’t until I went on my trip with my sister last year that I eventually caved and bought one. Holy crap – best $25 I have ever spent for traveling. I use it a lot, not only for the planes but trains as well. A few times I stayed in guest houses that had really crappy pillows and even used my travel pillow as my main pillow. I am one of those people who are a zombie if they haven’t had enough sleep, so a travel pillow is really a life saver for me.

4) Activated Charcoal

During my travels I have had food poisoning more times than I want to count. It always seems to happen at the worst time – a 36 hours bus ride in Vietnam, or when I was planning to leave an island but instead was stuck there for a few extra days because I was too sick to leave. I have tried a lot of different antibiotics during my travels, many of which are really strong, harsh chemicals. Activated Charcoal can help with food poisoning, or poisoning in general, by absorbing the nasty chemicals without damaging your body.

Travel can be hard work, even though it is a lot of fun and extremely rewarding. A little planning can go a long way in ensuring you will be comfortable, refreshed and smelling good on your travels.

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