The Top Reasons Queensland Is The Best State In Aus
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The Top Reasons Queensland Is The Best State In Aus

The Top Reasons Queensland Is The Best State In Aus

When you think of Australia, Sydney and Melbourne spring to mind. After all, they are the most popular tourist destinations in the country. So, it isn’t hard to see why people think so much of New  South Wales and Victoria. What with the Opera House and The Great Ocean Road, it is hard to look past both. However, there is one state which does compare, and it is Queensland. Sure, it might not have the same popularity, but it does have the following. Here’s why QL is the best state to visit in all of Australia.



The Great Barrier Reef

Located off the north eastern coast, the Barrier Reef is a living organism which stretches over 2000km. It is home to more than 1500 species of fish, 411 types of coral, and 134 species of sharks and rays. The colours are as exotic and as vivid as you can imagine, and the diving is among the best in the world. Quite simply, it is one of the most amazing tourist attractions in the world which you must see sooner rather than later. In fact, many view it as one of the seven natural wonders of the world.

Animal Parks & Zoos

If getting into the water with large rays and sharks isn’t your thing, you can go to the many zoos and wildlife centres. To begin with there is Sea World in the Gold Coast, which is home to animals from Polar Bears to Dolphins. If you like, you can even take a boat ride and watch the action from as close as possible. And, if the idea of Orcas in captivity is wrong, don’t worry because there are zero killer whales. Probably the best wildlife park is Australia Zoo. Dedicated to Steve Irwin, you can watch everything from crocodiles to tigers in a safe environment.



The Weather

So, Australia is not known for its bad weather considering the temperatures hit the mid-40s in summer. However, it is their winter now, and the climate in the south can get pretty cold. The likes of Canberra, Sydney and Melbourne experience wind, rain and even snow in the winter, yet Queensland stays sunny. Because it is at the north eastern tip of the country, the climate is tropical from July to July. Indeed, it might be too hot at times, but it is a nice problem to have. It beats watching the rain from your hotel window!

The Mix Of Cultures

From scuba diving in the Barrier Reef to surfing on Fraser Island, there is plenty to do. But, it is not just the abundance of activities which makes QL great. It is also the mix of cultures. After visiting the world famous animal attractions, you can just as easily venture into the Outback to see them in their natural habitat. Then, if you fancy a bit of luxury, there is always Brisbane which is Australia’s most liveable city.

Simply put, Queensland has it all, which is the main reason it should not be missed.