Top places to pop the question

Top places to pop the question

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If you’re thinking it’s about time you made an honest woman or man of your other half, here are four fantastic locations that should get the answer you’re hoping for. If not, then at least you can cross them off your ‘been-there-done-that’ list!

Pont des arts

Who said romance was dead?

If your soul mate is a Sex and the City fan, why not head to Pont des Arts in Paris. This pedestrian bridge not only connects The Louvre with the Institut de France, but it was also the spot where Big finally bared his soul to Carrie. This romantic setting overlooks the Seine, so watch those trembling fingers with that diamond-encrusted engagement ring.

Grand Central

A word in your shell-like

How about whispering sweet nothings to your future spouse by way of the Whispering Gallery at Grand Central Station, New York? When we say whisper, you’ll effectively be shouting. By standing in opposite corners of the low ceramic arches, your voice will follow the curve of the domed ceiling and the fantastic acoustics will deliver your proposal. So keep it clean…or maybe not!

las vegas

Elvis has left the building

It may be a cliché, but Las Vegas is a great destination to pop the question and then tie the knot. Forget months of wedding planning and a guest list as long as The King’s playlist, when you can have an intimate, no-fuss do with the legend himself.

Trevi Fountain

When in Rome

Go for a big Italian-style gesture and drop to one knee at The Trevi Fountain in Rome and ask for your beloved’s hand in marriage. To seal the deal, try asking in Italian. You’ll probably get a round of applause from the crowds, which should do the trick if your target is faltering!


Beach Heaven

There are few places as romantic as an exotic beach when the sun is shining. So if you are looking to save yourself a few pounds whilst not cutting down on the romance, consider taking a trip to somewhere like Cyprus. Great Holidays  are common but your other half will have no idea!

You might not be able to guarantee you’ll get the answer you want, but we know you’ll have a great time pursuing the prospect of marital bliss in these fabulous iconic cities.