Tips for Travelling to Disney World with Kids
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Tips for Travelling to Disney World with Kids

Tips for Travelling to Disney World with Kids

There are many reasons why you should take the kids to Disney World at least once, and the trip is likely to stick in their young minds as an amazing family experience and the time they got to see Mickey Mouse.

Disney World is fun for kids of all ages, however visiting can be challenging for parents, especially if you have young children or more than two kids. For this reason, here are some top tips for travelling to Disney World with kids:

Visit Party City

Why buy overpriced Disney Memorabilia when you can get it much cheaper at home? Get your lanyards from Party City and you’ll find 25 pins for under $15, compared to $7-$15 for a single pin in the park. You can also buy other souvenirs such as Disney ears, and surprise the kids with them once they get to the park.


Get Autograph books

These are something else that you should pre-buy if possible. Kids love having these books and they’re especially good for tiny kids who will read the books for weeks as they learn about all of the different characters. They’re also less likely to be scared if they can show the characters their books and get them signed.

Allocate Spending Money

Disney World can get pricey, so let each child know that they only have a certain amount of money for the whole time. This is a great chance to teach them about budgeting, and you can show them the things they can afford to buy – stressing to them that if they buy something it will be coming from their money, and they may not have enough left for another purchase.

Putting the decision into their hands and keeping them informed about how much they have to spend is a good way to avoid tantrums and allow them to feel like a grown up when they make their purchases.


Prepare your Children

It’s a good idea to talk about the time in the park multiple times before you arrive, in the lead up to the trip, speak to the kids every day about how they’ll be waiting in lines, there will be lots of walking around, and they won’t be able to buy everything they see. Remind them that this is all part of the experience so they’re prepared for the long lines when they arrive.

Stay on Site

If you stay on the Disney property, you can easily take smaller kids back to the hotel to nap in the afternoon, while older kids have a swim in the pool. This downtime is the best way to avoid tantrums and meltdowns (for both you and the kids)

Use technology

There are now apps that allow you to know exactly how long you’ll be standing in line at specific shows, locations and rides throughout Disney World. This will allow you to better plan out your day, spend less time in line, and figure out where to go next.