Tips For Moving Pets Overseas
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Tips For Moving Pets Overseas

Tips For Moving Pets Overseas

What are you going to do with your beloved furry friend when it comes to moving overseas? Well, with enough preparation and planning it is possible to take them with you on your new adventure.

Don’t miss out on your chance to move abroad for work, love or adventure because you dare not part ways with your most sentimental procession: your beloved family pet.

However, taking your pet to another country with you can be a complex and time-consuming process. It’s important to know what you are getting yourself into so, below are some helpful tips to help you out with the process and make it as smooth as possible for you and your pet.



Before you do anything make sure to do careful and in-depth research. Research what paperwork needs to be done, what are the countries laws regarding bringing in animals, the cost involved and the transport methods available to you (depending where you are moving to).

Moving animals between the UK and EU often requires your pet to have a rabies vaccine and to have an ISO standard micro chip while moving.

Pet Passport

You will also need to get them their own pet passport if you are leaving the country. You can get this from the Animal Health and Vets Agency, along with other necessary paperwork required for travel.



Once you have gotten all the required documentation and your pet has received all the relevant vaccines. It’s time to think about transport and how you can prepare your pet for the big move.

First of all, you will need a suitable carrier for transporting pets in, for example, a cat box.  Preferably something familiar to your pet so they won’t get extra nervous on the day of the move.

If you can’t transport your pet yourself then you need to book a suitable and licensed pet transporter to the job for you. You can use websites like Shiply to get free quotes from pet carriers.

Moving Day

On the day of the move, it’s important to make sure your pet is as comfortable as possible. Wash them and feed them before the transporter arrives. Prepare food and water for the journey if it is going to be a long one.

Make sure they have chew toys or something comforting for the journey to help settle them.

A new life

Moving to a new country requires a lot of adjusting and this goes for your pets too. Experts propose that for the first 2 weeks you keep your pets indoors to help them get familiar with their new home.