Things to do in Kuta – WaterBom

Things to do in Kuta – WaterBom

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Before we came to Bali, I spent a bit of time researching things to do so we could fit a lot into our relatively short time here. One of the first things I discovered for the first time, despite visiting Bali before, was that there was an insane waterpark, called Waterbom. This is Asia’s largest waterpark and the 5th biggest in the world, so needless to say I was very excited.


Because we knew we were definitely going to spend at least one day at Waterbom, we decided to pick a hotel that was close enough to Waterbom Waterpark that we could go home and have a break during the middle of our day. I find it very tiring being in the sun during the middle of the day so the Bali Rani Kuta was the perfect location for us. We really enjoyed our stay, so if you’re looking for accommodation near Waterbom, look no further.

I’ve been to a few waterparks before, but this was by far the most fun and most terrifying. The first ride we went on is called the “Climax” and is essentially a ride where you get into a tube and count down until the ground beneath you falls and you go flying through the tube. At one point you even do a loop, but I was so terrified I didn’t notice.

Afterwards I was still shaking for a good few minutes – something that’s never happened before after a slide before! It was one of those experiences that was equal parts thrilling and terrifying, and I’m really glad I did it.


Throughout the day we tried to sample most rides including the lazy river (pretty chilled) the Boomerang, the Python, the Smashdown, the Green Vipers and many more. My favourite was probably the Green Viper and I also really liked the Super Bowl ride as it was a two person ride and quite hilarious to see Ben’s reaction to things.

Tips For Enjoying WaterBom

Bring Enough Cash: They have a system here where you can preload money onto a card to spend on things such as lockers, drinks, meals and towel hire. You need to put pretty large deposits for the keys etc, leaving very little money to spend on drinks or snacks. I would suggest bringing around 1 Million Rupiah for two people, so you have enough money to cover what you want.

Know That You Can Leave: You’ll need to ask for an access band to leave, but you can leave. You can also take your locker key etc with you, so if you stay somewhere nearby like we did at the Bali Rani, then you can easily nip ‘home’ for an hour or two to have something to eat, to reapply sunscreen or just to have a bit of a break. We found this to be a really great feature and it doesn’t cost anymore than a standard pass.


Don’t Wear Shorts With Metal Bits on Them: I made the mistake of wearing some shorts that had little metal domes on both sides, which meant I couldn’t ride the rides, so had to take them off. Thankfully I had swimming togs on underneath so could still ride, but if I hadn’t, I wouldn’t have been allowed on! I saw heaps of people with their boardshorts on backwards and thought it was really weird, but it was actually because they had been asked to turn them around to ensure the back of their shorts were smooth. Check before you go!

All in all Waterbom was one of the best theme parks I’ve ever been to hands down and I had so much fun I’m even considering revisiting before we leave.

Where’s the best theme park you’ve been to? I feel like I want to see them all!