The Orange Experience – Experience Amsterdam Like a Local with KLM
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The Orange Experience – Experience Amsterdam Like a Local with KLM

The Orange Experience – Experience Amsterdam Like a Local with KLM

Every year people flock to Amsterdam to celebrate the orange experience, King’s Day (formerly Queen’s day). It’s a two day event, starting on King’s day Eve that is like a carnival, with people dressed in orange pouring into the streets. It’s a fun day, that both locals and tourists relish. There’s a citywide street sale, there’s fact painting for children and those who are young at heart, and there’s tones of parties and music. It’s the perfect time to visit Amsterdam and takes place towards the end of April.

KLM – Royal Dutch Airlines – decided to do something a little different this year to get people excited about the orange experience. They partnered with Heineken, also a Dutch brand, to find some bold explorers from around the world worthy of visiting Amsterdam during King’s day for free. In various bars scattered around the planet, when someone ordered a Heineken beer, they were propositioned with a Dutch challenge, such as singing ‘Oranje Boven’ – a Dutch song – in front of a large crowd in a busy bar. Those brave enough to follow through were rewarded with immediate flights to Amsterdam – for them and a friend, to enjoy the wonderful Orange Experience during King’s Day.

Thankfully the hilarious footage was filmed and turned into a video for our entertainment. If you’ve managed to miss King’s Day this year, why not put it on your bucket list for next year. While you’re planning your travels for next year, take a look at this hilarious video.

Would you be bold enough to participate in these challenges for free flights to Amsterdam? I think I would!

This is a sponsored post.

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