The Absolute Bare Minimum you Need for Location Independent Living
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The Absolute Bare Minimum you Need for Location Independent Living

The Absolute Bare Minimum you Need for Location Independent Living

I have been asked repeatedly about the gear I carry around while traveling the world. To be honest, there is no strict recipe on what your bag should contain once deciding to lead a location independent life. You may decide to leave some items home, and you might also add a series of others you consider essential that didn’t make it on my list. Consider this list not a guide, but an example of what your backpack should contain to be location independent. So, without further ado, here is my list.


1. Technology

Laptop, camera, smartphone and tablet. The last one might come as a surprise – why carry a tablet computer around when you already have a smartphone. Well, the reasons are numerous – and the best answer would be that I use it to fulfill two of my sinful passions on the road: reading books and playing games at the Red Flush online casino.

Red Flush offers its players a cornucopia of games to play when on the road. Its game library of over 100 titles offers passionate players hours after hours of fun and wins. It is also a well written piece of software, which isn’t a huge burden on the device’s battery, running smoothly on any device, from the smallest smartphone to the most powerful tablet computer. Besides – and this is one of the parts I love about it – the Red Flush periodically offers its players some of the best giveaways, promotions and tournaments they can opt into, making their stay not just entertaining, but also worth their while.

And, when it comes to books, I think it doesn’t need any explanation.

One item I always carry around is a “dumb phone”. It is more like an emergency communication device for when my smartphone battery dies. In such cases – when there is no power outlet around – it’s good to have a backup solution with a huge battery life compared to anything with a touchscreen.

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2. Personal hygiene

Nothing I can’t buy on the road. This is one category of stuff for which there is no such thing as a standard list, as the needs and preferences of each of us are hugely different. I will include my first aid kit here, with generic and prescription drugs in a separate case. Don’t leave home without them.


3. Apparel

The bare necessities that is – makeup for quick touch-ups if needed, and the mandatory items – clothes, shoes, whatever.

+1 – What not to carry around

Basically, your bag shouldn’t contain anything you can easily come by on the road. Think Aspirin, a raincoat, paper towels and hankies, universal adapters and similar items. And a piece of advice: get familiar with leaving stuff behind / giving stuff away. Be sure to only leave with what you surely need in your next location when you go.