How to Stay Healthy While Traveling
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How to Stay Healthy While Traveling

How to Stay Healthy While Traveling

Thinking about traveling long-term? While there are plenty of reasons to pack your bags and head to the airport, a healthier lifestyle is not one of them. The below tips will help you stay healthy while you’re on the road, so you can enjoy your travels and avoid having to return home early.

Here’s how you can stay healthy while traveling:

Get enough sleep

When you’re physically traveling, getting from point A to point B can be exhausting. Not only are you crossing multiple time zones, but you’re often spending hours in the airport, walking all day, carrying your bag around, and more.

Traveling is hard on our bodies, which is why you need to get enough rest. As tempting as it may be to join your new backpacker friends for a night of beers after you’ve just travelled for twenty hours, do yourself a favor and take a nap first.

Eat regularly

It’s important to try and keep some consistency with your usual eating patterns when you’re traveling. Sure, the cuisine and content of your food may be slightly different, but aim to split your plate in a similar way- half with veges, a quarter with carbs, and a quarter with protein. Of course you’ll want to enjoy some local treats or have the occasional high-calorie splurge, but try to ensure  most of your meals are high-quality and healthy. An example of staying healthy would be to try some japanese green tea with your meal. This will help you avoid getting run down and sick, plus it’ll keep your waistline in check as well.

Move your body

It can be difficult to get enough exercise when you’re traveling. That’s why it’s a good idea to keep an eye out for cheap beach bikes or even beach cruisers while you’re traveling. Cycling is a great way to stay fit and healthy, plus it’s a cheap, fast way to get around and explore a new city.

There are also many different body workouts online that you can do in your hostel or hotel room, or you can throw on your shoes and go for a run- a great way to see your new neighborhood.

Stay clean

It can be annoying trying to find ways to do laundry while you’re traveling, but your roommates will thank you. It’s also a good idea to pack some hand sanitizer or wipes, along with some toilet paper. You’ll be surprised just how often soap and water are not available in bathrooms, and you’ll be coming into contact with lots of people (and germs) while you’re out and about.

Protect your skin

It can be tempting to spend hours lying out in the sun, but be sure to pack the sunscreen. Aim for at least SPF 30, and try to spend time in the shade as well. Skin cancer is no joke, and you’ll be pleased you stayed out of the sun in twenty years.