Simple Tips to Save for Your Next Holiday
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Simple Tips to Save for Your Next Holiday

Simple Tips to Save for Your Next Holiday

Is there anything better than a week spend on a beach, with friends and family? Or perhaps your favourite kind of holiday involves snow and racing down the mountain. Or maybe you’re more interested in six months spent backpacking around South East Asia. Regardless of the type of holiday you love, chances are you’re going to have to do some serious savings before you can book your flights and start getting excited. Saving for a holiday can feel overwhelming when you’re just getting started, so I’ve written these simple tips to save for your next holiday to get you ready to tackle this challenge.

1. Set a Clear Budget or Goal
For me, knowing how much I’m planning to save makes everything so much easier. If I’m hoping to save $3,000 for my next holiday in a period of a year, I can see that is $250 that I have to save per month. Breaking it down like this makes it easy to see the saving goals I need to hit each month in order to be able to take my trip. Knowing where you want to end up, will make everything else so much easier.

2. Get Serious About Saving
If you’re normally not saving anything, or not as much as you would like, you’re obviously going to have to make some changes so that you free up more of your money, or so that you earn more so you have spare cash to save. Picking up extra shifts or a casual part time job can be a great way to ensure you have some extra money spare to save.

3. Research
I love reading personal finance books and personal finance blogs as I feel there’s so many tips out there that can help you achieve your goals faster. I wanted to share this helpful money-saving guide by My Voucher Codes called: Your 2017 Money Saving Plan. It’s jam packed with helpful money saving hints, such as blasting debt and focusing on cutting down expenses. The more informational you absorb about money saving and achieving your goals, the more motivated you’ll be.

4. Get Excited
Whether your goal is a trip away, or maybe you want to first save for something a bit more practical like a new car or an apartment, getting excited about your goal will help you have more momentum to move forward. Some people really love to create vision boards, which are basically static boards with pictures of your goals stuck to them. That way you can see them each day, remember where your focus is and be reminded to stay on track. Personally, I have a Pinterest board with my goals and ideas added as digital pins. For me this is simply easier, more organised and easier to update as my goals change. Before I start work each day I spend 5-10 minutes browsing for new pins and looking through my existing vision boards, it really helps me to stay focused!

I hope these tips help you get excited and motivated for your next trip. With some simple changes you can be sitting on a beach sipping mojitos in no time! For more helpful lifestyle blogs, check out