Packing for a Beach Holiday

Packing for a Beach Holiday

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In about 5 weeks, I’ll be lounging on the beautiful beach that surrounds Gili T, in Indonesia, with my little sister. I can’t wait, it’s been over two years since I first visited this stunning little island. It also feels like forever since I’ve enjoyed a beach, properly. I am a summer person, through and through, so when winter creeps around I find myself feeling sulky and dreaming of sun drenched islands. I’m really excited about my beach holiday and I’ve already started planning what I’m going to take with me. Here are my essential things that I love to take with me whenever I know I’ll be hitting the beach for a few days: 
Buying a great pair of sunglasses can be both a fashion accessory and a lifesaver when you’re on the beach. If I spend too long on the beach or outside without sunglasses, I get pretty serious headaches. It scares me to think what kind of long term damage that amount of sunshine is doing to my eyes, so I always pack a pair of sunglasses. It’s also impossible to read books on the beach with the sun so bright, so sunglasses are definitely essential. These days, we’re absolutely spoiled for choice in terms of styles and lens colours, making it easy to find a great pair of glasses that suit look good while providing adequate protection for your eyes. 
A Sarong:
Okay, if you’re a guy you can probably skip on this one unless you’re really keen, but sarongs are a great go-to beach accessory for the ladies. Some beaches I’ve been to, especially in Asia, have been quite modest and the locals have worn entire outfits into the water. Out of respect, I like to cover up a little more as walking around in a flimsy bikini feels disrespectful in some places. Sarongs are lightweight, take up barely any space in your bag and you can use them as a makeshift blanket to lie on, or you can tie them around you to cover up a little – perfect!
In New Zealand, if you’re on the beach for too long without any sunscreen on, you will burn really badly. Sometimes it feels like you only have to be outside for five minutes before you’ll be burned to a crisp. One upside of growing up somewhere where the sun is so powerful, is that I am very good at applying sunscreen regularly enough to avoid doing long term damage to my skin. Yes, tanning looks nice and brown skin looks beautiful, but for me it is not worth the risk. Sunscreen is SO important, so make sure you take sunscreen with you that has a good SPF factor. 
A Ball:
Whether you choose a rugby ball, volley ball or even just an inflatable ball, taking a ball along with you to the beach is a great way to make new friends and make the most of the gorgeous weather. I love laying down with a nice book and soaking up some vitamin D, but it’s also fun being active on the beach and socializing. If you’re traveling far away from home, then taking a volleyball or a rugby ball might not be the most practical thing, but an inflatable ball is lightweight and will take up barely any space in your backpack or suitcase.
These are my favourite things to take along with me for a beach holiday. What do you always bring along to the beach?