My Travel Essentials

My Travel Essentials

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After so many trips overseas, I’ve got my travel essentials down to the bare essentials and a few creature comforts. As my sister and I are off to Asia in just over three weeks, I’m going through the motions of mentally making sure I have everything I really need. I like to travel light and that means taking only the things that I’ll really use. On my first trip I boarded the plane with lots of useless things that I never bothered to use, leaving things along the way or gifting them to others. Here are my favourite travel essentials:


My iPhone:
I was against buying an iPhone for ages because they’re quite expensive and everyone who owned them seemed to fall immediately in love with them and become almost obsessed. But my camera was stolen when I was in America and I needed an affordable replacement so I bought an iPhone. I find it so useful for using with maps, taking photos, checking emails on the run and so on. I literally could not travel as comfortably without it and suggest that a smartphone is a great idea for anyone who is retarded with maps, like I am. There are heaps of great iphone deals available to help reduce the cost of buying a smartphone, ensuring they are a good investment even for a budget traveler. 


Zip Lock Bags:
Whatever brand you choose, buying some clear plastic bags that you can zip closed will make your life a lot easier. This allows you to keep your dirty and clean clothes separate and also allows you to cram more stuff into your bag while you’re away. I have found that the roll and zip method works best, roll your clothes into a cylinder shape and then place them in your ziplock bag to keep them nice and tidy in your suitcase or bag. I always worry that my bags are going to be searched at the airport and I’ll have underwear being flung around, so this method of packing keeps my worries at bay, too!

Carry some PawPaw:
PawPaw is quite a trendy product in New Zealand and Australia, but I haven’t seen it in too many other places around the world. You can use it to do everything – it’s great for chapped lips, any sores or burns, cracked heals, baby rash or any rash in general and the list goes on. Vaseline is a great substitute if you can’t find PawPaw in your country. 

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Take a good book:
Even though I travel with both a laptop and iPhone, there are times where I’m not near a charging port and everything’s gone flat. There’s nothing quite like peering out the window of a train, plane or even bus while in the middle of a great book. I also love taking books to swap with people or in book exchanges in hostels during my travels. If you’re traveling with friends and you each take a book, then you can swap when you’re both finished, doubling your reading library on the road. 

Everyone has different travel essentials. What items do you have to carry with you whenever you travel? Leave your top picks in the comments below.