How to make 2017 your best year yet
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How to make 2017 your best year yet

How to make 2017 your best year yet

It’s almost April. How are those New Year’s resolutions going? Have you kept them all? Probably not, right? But don’t worry, you still have plenty of opportunities to make 2007 the best year you’ve had yet.

Here’s how you do it:

Get in shape

Yeah, sorry, but round is not a shape. If you’re serious about getting in shape, consider this your wakeup call. There are a few things you can do to make the weight come off quickly. Try intermittent fasting, which is about eating your calories at certain times so your body has longer to burn those calories off when you’re not in your “fed” state. Be sure to take up lifting, since the more muscle you have, the more fat you’re burning- even when you’re just lying on the couch.

For people who have been wondering why they can’t seem to lose weight. IIFYM could be the way to go. This stands for If It Fits Your Macros, and it’s about tracking your food. You can then see exactly how much calories you’re eating, and understand how many you need to eat to lose weight. For people who find it hard to be social while “on a diet” IIFYM is a good option since you can just cut some carbs and calories a day or two before a big event or just work out your food to fit in a treat every now and again.


Get saving

If your savings account is sadder than it has ever been, it’s time to do something about it. You just can’t be your best self if you’re continually worrying about whether you’ll have enough money to cover basic necessities. Not to mention, we’re all living longer than ever which means a long retirement that you’ll need money for.

Instead of going out to the casino or clubs, stay in and play online casino games. Instead of buying lunch every day for work, do some meal prep and take in a healthy lunch from home. Instead of paying for that expensive gym subscription, use the local park for running and body weight exercises. Small changes can make a huge difference. Just don’t forget to treat yourself occasionally and set smart goals.

Make friends

I get it, it can be super hard to make new friends when you’re an adult. But people get busy and it’s not uncommon to find that your bestie is suddenly all wrapped up in her kids or your favourite girlfriend has been travelling the world for years. It is possible to make new friends, you just have to go out of your way to do it. Try a new activity, learn a new language at the local night school, or join Couchsurfing meetups. You’ll find that there are plenty of other adults who are also looking for new friends.

Want to make sure 2017 is your best year ever? Check out some of our great posts over at the