International Student Problems

International Student Problems

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Studying in a foreign country is a great experience that will stay with you for a life time. However, the road doesn’t always run smoothly as you have to adapt to a whole host of new customs that are…well…foreign to you.

We thought we’d put together a list of some of the main perils that international students face as a mark of solidarity, and to show all you locals just how complex life can be.

1. Thinking in one language and speaking in another

If only someone could just translate your thoughts. Actually…scrap that.


2. Having to do algebra every time you want to transfer money through your different bank accounts

High five to the inventor of PayPal, but not so much to the person who thought charging to send money would be a good idea.

3. Getting funny looks when you use a word embarrassingly wrong

So ‘pants’ means something slightly different in America and the UK? Oops…

4. If you lose your adaptor you risk wet, frizzy hair

So don’t ever make the mistake of being a nice person by lending your adaptors to your international friends, either.

5. Not physically being able to process how many sinks in Britain have a separate tap for cold and hot water

And wondering if it’s acceptable to request just one in your student accommodation, and feel like high fiving companies like Urbanest that feature them in their London student flats.

6. Dreaming in a variety of different languages

And therefore waking up just as confused as you were before you went to sleep.

7. Loving trying the new food of your new country, but secretly craving your favourite goodies from back home

If only the local corner shop had a special shelf especially for you.

8. When Skype freezes and you’re stuck on a not-so-attractive pose

And finishing each session with ‘so next time, my time or yours?’.


9. Attempting to remember that something perfectly normal in your country is seen as really rude/strange in the new country

Fancy brushing up on your British etiquette? Check these tips out.

10. Having to take a loan out every time you want to call home

And dying a little inside each time your phone bill arrives at the end of the month.

11. Taking about half an hour to discover what shoe/clothes size you are when buying something new

Ok so 36 is a 4…or something…right?

12. Going to a restaurant with friends that serves your home cuisine and the look on their faces when you pronounce the food correctly

You’ve never seen anyone so impressed every time you say ‘pan au chocolat’ before. It’s almost as if you’re French or something.

13. Looking the wrong way when crossing the road

And secretly being stupidly grateful when it says ‘Look Left’ or ‘Look Right’ on the ground.

14. Trying to get the hang of different measurements, times and temperatures

So is that Celsius, Fahrenheit, miles, kilometres or millilitres? We don’t know either, but this conversion app might help.