How To Achieve The Flawless Playroom

How To Achieve The Flawless Playroom

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You might be full of ideas for colour themes, fancy mobiles, different furnishings, comfy armchair but what about the playroom? You might find yourself being fresh out of ideas when it comes to the playroom because you’ve been focusing so much on the bedroom, but don’t worry we’re here to help inspire you again!

Where the bedroom should be a relaxing space, ready for your tots to settle down to sleep, the playroom should be full of inspiration and fun! Children are heavily influenced by their surroundings, so this is your chance to influence your kids in a positive and happy way.


When we have kids, a lot of us are slaves to practicality and easy maintenance and usually have to put looks secondary. But what if we told you there’s plenty of practical options that look fantastic too! The most practical option has to be luxury vinyl tiles – it’s stress free properties make it the perfect addition to any playroom. It is stain, water and scratch proof, making it perfect for the playroom where these are common occurrences! It is also incredibly durable so you don’t have to worry about it wearing out any time soon.

Not only this, but LVT comes in many styles and designs as replicate natural products like real wood beautifully, that often it’s hard to tell them apart. If you’re looking for something a little more warm and homely, then laying a rug down is your best option. Whereas with a carpet if something is spilt on it it’s ruined, with a rug you can replace or remove it for a fraction of the price.


There’s nothing better than bright, though provoking colours to excite your little ones. Oranges and yellows are fantastic neutral jolly colours, or even blue – don’t be shy with these bold colours! You can also go down the route of hand painted designs on the wall, perhaps a sea or magical castle.

In terms of colours to avoid for the wall, we would’t recommend going for white or magnolia. Not only are they basic and a bit of a ‘cop out’ but kids can often draw or wipe their grubby fingers on the wall! If your walls do get marked however, then wall stickers are a great way of covering them up if you’re not ready to redecorate yet.


The biggest part of your playroom! Make the most of the corner of the room for toy cubbies, although you can buy them, if you’re a whizz with DIY then this is the best way to approach it. This way you can custom make it for your room! Toy cubbies are very simple and the best way to keep things nice and tidy. The best thing about these is that your kids can see their favourite toys without having to rummage through draws and cupboards. Why not match these with matching shelves where you can keep books, display pictures and jolly ornaments!

Functional and entertaining components are a big yes when it comes to the playroom. Seating with storage, a bunk bed with a desk under-neath, tables with colourful boxes that slide under-neath. Perhaps a bean bag or a child’s armchair for you when your kids want some down time or drawing.

It may sound simple, but a table and chairs are a must for any playroom. It’ll encourage drawing, reading and even if your kids want to feel extra grown up and have afternoon tea!

There’s so many options with the playroom, but there’s no reason it has to always be messy! We hope these decor and storage tips have helped inspired you to give your kids the unflawed playroom.