How can you share your travel photos?
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How can you share your travel photos?

How can you share your travel photos?

While taking travel photos can be a fantastic way to remember our adventures, document the places we’ve been, and stir emotions years down the line, they are also a brilliant tool for engaging followers on social media sites such as Pinterest and Instagram, as well as a way to show our friends and family just what we’ve been up to on vacation. We are, by nature, a nosy bunch, and travel photos can be a great talking point; how many times have you struck up a conversation with a stranger because you happen to notice an exotic location on their desktop? More than that, though, your travel snaps could be worth money too, and it is worth investigating companies that purchase stock footage and photos prior to your travels. You never know where your humble photographs could take you.

The importance of sharing your vacation memories

There are a number of reasons why you may choose to take and share travel photos. The first, and most obvious, is for personal reasons; this may be your first trip abroad, a vacation with a loved one, or a voyage of discovery across many continents. Whatever the purpose of your travel, you’re bound to want to remember it, and taking numerous snaps can be a great way of retrieving these memories later on in life. Similarly, sharing these photos with friends and family who couldn’t be there is a great way of including them in your experiences. Perhaps they were too ill or elderly to accompany you, would be considered at risk if they attempted certain activities, or simply weren’t able to afford it; your holiday footage and photos will be a fantastic tool for keeping loved ones up to date, while ensuring their feet remain safely on the ground.

A little further from home, there are those who share travel photos with complete strangers. Whether you’re using social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or Pinterest, or posting your pictures on travel sites and message boards, sharing images with others can be a wonderful source of inspiration to would-be travelers, as well as letting them in on a few little secrets, such as the best places to stay and some of the finest sites to see. There is, believe it or not, a huge market in other people’s travel photos. They can be used by travel companies, advertisers, numerous websites, and by budding artists. They can even be bought and sold by businesses that deal in stock photographs and footage. Why not try and monetize your travel images? You never know who you could inspire.

Basic video and photography tips

Of course, if you’re planning on sharing and selling your images when you get back from your travels, it pays to know how to take a decent shot; numerous images of the same subject, blurred shots, and badly lit scenic pictures do not a good travel photo make! First, conduct your research. After all, it’s important to know what type of scenery you’ll find when you get to your destination, what the most sought after subjects are, and if there are any different angles you could utilize. It’s also a good idea to study your craft before attempting to sell any photos, and there are numerous online and adult study courses that will help you gain a basic understanding of photography; if you want to be taken seriously and get paid as a photographer, you must take your profession seriously too. In many cases, a standard lens, flash, and natural lighting will be enough to capture the money shot. In other instances, you’ll need to adjust a few settings on your camera, perhaps research the best times to get the light right, and make sure you beat the crowds to get the most fantastic pictures. Whatever you do, though, be sure to pack batteries or charger cables, a zoom and a prime lens, a stand and tripod, and a laptop or external hard drive. Nothing is worse than finding the shot and being unable to take it.

Travel photos are fun to share. More than that, though, they can also be highly profitable and, when sold to the right people, can help you to establish yourself as a serious artist. Sharing your images can be the quickest and easiest way to get noticed, so be prepared to network; it’s time to get snapping.