It’s going to be a scorcher! Get your outdoor area ready for a hot Australian summer
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It’s going to be a scorcher! Get your outdoor area ready for a hot Australian summer

It’s going to be a scorcher! Get your outdoor area ready for a hot Australian summer

As I write this, A sparkling frost grips defiantly to the blades of grass in my front lawn. Winter is still very much here, but soon things will start to warm back up. My outdoor lounge setting hasn’t seen much use lately, winter has emphatically kept me inside and in front of the heater, but I haven’t forgotten the furnace-like heat of an Aussie summer.

At the start of this year, Australia occupied all 15 slots on the El Dorado Weather site’s top 15 hottest places on earth. Yikes. Places like Yulara in the Northern Territory topped out at a ferocious 49 degrees Celsius and our cities were melted by long stretches of 40-degree plus days.

Summer in Australia is hot.

Summer in Australia is also when the nation comes alive.

Backyard barbeques, beach days and long humid nights spent shooting the moon. Summertime spent outdoors is an Australian tradition. Because of the extreme heat, some caution should be taken when enjoying this beautiful sunburnt country. Preparing your outdoor area should be approached with the same mindset. Creating a comfortable outdoor space that can be enjoyed safely all summer long is easy.



The harsh UV rays unique to the Australian sun can burn human skin in minutes and can even cause immune deficiencies. It is very important that your outdoor area has blocks of shade to cut out these harmful rays. Strategically planted trees are best as they provide dappled shade as well as a habitat for native animals. Screening plants like hedges and shrubs can also aid in shading your area.

Outdoor umbrellas are a popular choice in Australian backyards and for good reason, they provide the essential service of keeping us shaded whilst looking great and are usually very durable. Look for an umbrella that is rated for the wind strength in your area as some can be snapped or blown away in strong winds.

The right material

When choosing furniture, keep in mind the ferocity of the Australian sun. Direct sunlight can cause materials to fade quickly and, in some cases, even melt them. Natural materials such as Teak wood are naturally oily and very durable and will stand in the sun for decades with no issues.

Whether it’s your beautiful new outdoor lounge or that old outdoor umbrella, most pieces of furniture designated for outdoor use will have been built with UV resistant materials. Synthetic fibres and plastics are coated with a UV resistant film that should stand the test of time (and heat!)


Bring your own BBQ

In the sweltering heat of summer, it can be unpleasant and impractical to cook meals inside. The heat of a stovetop or oven can ruin any chance your house had to cool down and remain at a liveable temperature. Luckily, we Australians are smart, and another great Aussie tradition was born… the Summer BBQ.

Preparing and sharing meals on a hot summer’s day can be a magical way to unwind, cool down and socialize with friends and family. It also keeps your home cooler and free of insects. Pay attention to where you place your BBQ as you don’t want to be grilling meat right next to your guests. Wearing a novelty apron is optional.

Bug defence.

With the heat comes waves of newly hatching flying insects. I personally love Christmas Beetles; their clumsy flight paths bring them into regular contact with my face which I find cute and hilarious. Understandably though, some people don’t share my love affair for these shiny flying goofballs.

Christmas Beetles are at the bottom of the “offensive insect” scale. At the top sits the bane of many a sleepless Australian, the Mosquito.

There are many ways of dealing with flying insects, most of which involve chemicals. Citronella candles and coils are a very popular choice and work very well for small outdoor areas. Citronella torches also work a treat but need to be monitored closely. Flaming oils and 40-degree days can be a dangerous mix.

If you have positioned your plants to provide shade, why not add some natural bug repellents like marigolds or mint?

Cooling solutions

As the sun sits in the middle of the sky it might be tempting to scurry indoors and blast the AC. Perhaps this is a sensible thing to do if the temperature exceeds 40 degrees. For your outdoor area, there are some clever cooling solutions available that may just keep you cool and comfortable outside.

The humble propeller fan does a good job of moving air around, adding a few well places units can be a cheap and easy way of keeping your area cooler. If you want to step it up a notch, a misting fan can provide some much-needed relief.

Misting fans spray a fine mist as the fan circulates air. This mist mixes with warm air molecules causing both to evaporate. A misting fan works better in hot dry environments and can provide a similar effect to an air conditioner. Depending on where you are, you may get more or less of an effect from a misting fan, these machines do not work as well in already humid environments.

Slip slop slap.

Ok, your outdoor area is shaded from the sun and a cool breeze wafts over you as you sink into your outdoor lounge. Are you forgetting something? A cold beer perhaps? Hmm or maybe you are forgetting that skin cancer is a top killer of Australians every year. If you are venturing outside on an Australian summers day, please don’t forget to use personal sun protection.

As winter reaches its final crescendo, we can start looking forward to summertime. If you are blessed with an outdoor area you owe it to yourself to create a livable space in which to enjoy everything Australia has to offer. Some preparation now can transform your cold back porch into a breezy entertainment space ready to reflect the solar rays and provide a summer sanctuary for you and your friends.