Fun hobbies for women in 2019
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Fun hobbies for women in 2019

Fun hobbies for women in 2019

Are you bored with the status quo? Ready to try something new and different? Maybe you’ve found yourself Googling best motorcycle helmets for women, or you’ve always wanted to learn to ski? Or maybe you’re looking for a fun hobby but you don’t know what that is yet. Whatever the case, we’ve got some great new hobbies for you to try in 2019:

Pole dancing

How do pole dancers make it look so easy when it’s really so challenging? Don’t get put off by the challenge though ladies, it’s well worth it when you manage to master a new trick or two. Pole dancing is for women of all ages, shapes, sizes, and skill level, so do yourself a favor and sign up for a trial class- we’ll be pretty surprised if you don’t get addicted.

Woman Dancing on Pole


I see you rolling your eyes. But so many people can barely scrape together a meal, and all they need is to learn a few basic skills before their passion for food will take over. Whether you’ve always wanted to learn how to make your own pasta, or you’d really like to be the queen of desserts, there are plenty of great cooking classes out there to help you learn the skills you need.


Have you always secretly wanted to own a motorcycle? Maybe you find yourself looking at cheap motorcycle helmets in your spare time? This can be a safe, fun, and rewarding hobby, and owning a motorcycle isn’t as expensive as you might think- with Honda bike parts available online, and plenty of websites devoted to all the gear you might need for your new hobby. If you’ve always wanted to own a motorcycle, don’t let fear hold you back. Make 2019 the year you finally do it.


Ok, so this may seem like a head-scratcher because coding seems like a lot of work right? Well… sure. But it can also be super fun- especially when you start to see all of your coding come to life. Now is definitely the time to get into it, especially since you can start it as a hobby, continue it as a side hustle, and end up making some serious money if you choose to go freelance or start your own business.

There are tons of free resources online, so give it a go. If you like it, there are plenty of great courses and boot camps developed specifically to teach women to code.