Food Safety: How to Avoid Getting Sick While Traveling
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Food Safety: How to Avoid Getting Sick While Traveling

Food Safety: How to Avoid Getting Sick While Traveling

Holidaying is meant to be an exciting time but unexpected illness can transform travel dreams into nightmares in an instant. Although risks can never be avoided completely, there are still a number of straightforward strategies to bear in mind that will keep potential holiday hazards to a minimum.

Use the following 7 tips to avoid getting sick while traveling:


1. Build up a healthy immune system in advance of going on holidays. Many countries still have serious levels of communicable disease that have largely been eradicated in the west and can be avoided with the right immunisations. Be certain to consult with a doctor to receive the appropriate immunisations for the intended travel destinations.

2. Taking probiotics for a few months prior to traveling will help strengthen ones digestive system. These good bacteria can be found in certain yoghurts but are available in much higher doses in pill form that can be purchased over-the-counter from pharmacies and health food stores. Having an abundance of healthy gut flora will help the body fight off any foreign nasties that may be unwittingly consumed.


3. Always drink bottled water and be certain to inspect the seal to ensure the bottle has not been refilled with tap water. Tap water must be avoided when brushing teeth, bottled is safer. Refuse ice in drinks unless the staff can demonstrate that the ice is made from purified water. Water can easily carry pathogens that can cause serious illnesses – see here for an example.

4. Avoid eating fresh salads or unpeeled vegetables that may have been washed in contaminated water or fertilised with animal or human waste. This can be tricky to avoid as trying new cuisine is part of the appeal of travelling. Fresh fruits and vegetables that must be peeled to be eaten are definitely the safer option.


5. Eat foods that are piping hot and fully cooked as bacteria and disease cannot survive the sustained heat of cooking. Definitely avoid eating from buffets where food is left for hours unheated or openly exposed in a bain-marie. If breakfast is included with a holiday package try and eat as early as possible while the food is still hot and fresh.

6. When looking for a restaurant or wanting to try street food, simply follow the crowds of locals. Popular places turn their food over quickly which reduces the time a cooked dish will be sitting potentially gathering bacteria. Nothing kills a food business faster than talk of customers falling ill through food poisoning. A large crowd usually indicates that the food is good and these stores will also have a reputation to uphold.

7. Practice good hygiene by regularly washing hands before and after eating as bacteria can linger on surfaces and be transmitted from person to person quite easily.

Following these simple precautions will help reduce the likelihood of exposure to potentially life-threatening illnesses and ensure that everyone returns home safe and sound, ready to plan another exciting travel adventure.