Checklist Before You Leave Home

Checklist Before You Leave Home

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Nothing compares to the bliss of jetting off on a holiday or long term travel, but before you leave home there are a number of things you need to check are done to ensure you can enjoy peace of mind while you’re away. I’m a last minute packer and planner; I’ll leave everything as late as possible and will scramble to get everything sorted in time. It’s due in part to my poor time management skills, but also because I’ve been away so often I know what needs to get done without thought.

Here are a few essential things you might forget to do before you head off. Quickly go through this checklist before you leave home and you should be more than prepared to enjoy your holiday.


Consider Getting Pet Insurance:
Regardless of whether you’re heading off for a few weeks, a few months or even a year, making sure your pets are well looked after is really important. Once you’ve figured out who’s going to look after the day-to-day care of your pets, you might like to consider purchasing pet insurance. Vet bills can be expensive, especially when you’re traveling long term and there isn’t much room in your budget. Investing in pet insurance can assure you the peace of mind that if anything goes wrong with your pet’s health, your pet’s caregiver can take care of it without breaking their bank (or yours).

Get Someone to Check Your Mail:
Nothing is a more obvious sign that someone’s away on holiday than a letterbox overflowing with mail. Get either a neighbor or a friend to check your mailbox while you’re away. If you feel comfortable, ask them to go through any important looking letters so they can notify you of anything urgent that might need to be tended to, such as parking tickets or bills that come through.

luggage stuffing

Put Your Gym Membership on Hold:
Putting your gym membership on hold in advance is a great way to save money while you’re away. If you’re away for more than a couple of weeks it’s worth doing. Talk to your gym about what options they have depending on how long you are away. Many gyms take a small fee for putting the membership on hold, but it is generally a lot cheaper than paying for your membership when you’re not using it.

Write a Packing List:
This might sound over the top, but I love traveling with a packing list. It lets me know what I’ve taken along with me and when I’m packing to move on from my destination, I skim through it to make sure I haven’t left anything behind. The great thing about a packing list is you can use it from trip to trip, as generally you’ll take much of the same stuff along with you on each holiday.

These are my favourite little tips to make your holiday a little easier and more stress free. What do you like to get sorted before you leave home?