Best Valentine’s Gifts
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Best Valentine’s Gifts

Best Valentine’s Gifts

If you’re still wondering what to get your loved one for Valentine’s Day, we’ve got your back. It can be tricky figuring out exactly what to get your loved one, and there’s a fine line between thoughtful and romantic and over the top and mushy.

Here are some great ideas for Valentine’s gifts this year:

A new phone case

This is a great gift idea, since it’s both practical and romantic- that special someone will get plenty of use out of it but it’s also a gift that shows you’ve been paying attention to what they really need- especially if their old case has been knocked around and is all scuffed.

Consider the iPhone 7 card holder, which will allow your significant other to leave the house with everything they need held in one hand, or the JimmyCASE which is both attractive and functional. For more great options, check out



Jewellery makes the perfect gift for both girls and guys. Many guys will love a new watch, and if they’ve made you extra happy this year, consider the Apple iWatch to have them bragging about you to all their friends. For girls, Kate Spade New York is a great choice, and the Heart of Gold bangle is a must-have accessory that will have them thinking of you every time they glance at their wrist.


Sure, most people are taking photos on their phone these days, but for something a little cooler that’s a throwback to a simpler time, take a look at the Polaroid snap. This is the company’s latest spin on the classic Polaroid camera, and you guys are bound to have a great year making and recording your memories with this handy camera.

A trip

What’s better than spending Valentine’s Day together? Spending a few days together somewhere new and exciting. If you’ve been meaning to get away from it all and enjoy some quality time, consider surprising your significant other with a trip away. If you really want to splash out, check with their coworkers to see how long they can take off work and really go to town with international flights to a surprise destination (show them the tickets on Valentine’s Day so they can spend the lead up getting excited), or simply whisk them away for a surprise weekend trip somewhere local, or a staycation in a nice hotel in your town.

A pet

If your favourite person has been dreaming of a ball of fluff, maybe Valentine’s Day is the day to make this dream come true. While you may need to check if they’re allowed pets in their house or apartment, once you’ve sorted out the details you can go to the local shelter and pick out a friend to keep them warm when you’re not around. This is a great way to show that you’ve been listening every time they mention that they’d love to have a cat or dog to look after.