3 Tips for Returning From a Vacation
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3 Tips for Returning From a Vacation

3 Tips for Returning From a Vacation

Have you ever experienced reversed culture shock, where coming back home suddenly feels strange and you struggle to get back into a routine? Maybe you are just finding it harder to get back into the day to day grind after having such a wonderful trip. No matter how long you were gone for, coming home and sliding back into normal routine can be a shock to the system. Here are my top 3 tips for returning from a vacation:

1. Give Yourself Some Leeway
There’s nothing worse to me than arriving back on a Sunday night after a long flight and trying to get back into work on Monday. I always give myself at least a few days leeway in order to rest, recover, and get adjusted to being home. I also think it’s so important to get things sorted at home before you try to get back into a normal routine. Doing small things like restocking the pantry and doing laundry are basic things I like to do before I get back to it. I think it’s so important to avoid burn out and giving yourself a few days in between your trip and getting back to normal life can make a world of difference. Don’t forget to let your body rest, not only is long distance travel exhausting, but there’s a good chance you were super active on your trip, making the most of your time away. You might find it helpful to get some Xpress Grass and relax. 

2. Get back to a Good Schedule
If you’re ever travelled across a few time zones, then you know how much it can mess with your normal rhythm. You might find yourself waking up at all hours of the night and failing to sleep at a normal hour. This can be so hard on your body, so I think finding a good schedule is so important. There are a few things I do before I even leave my trip to help me adjust back to my normal time zone. The first thing is acting and thinking like you’re “at home” when you’re at the airport. Check the time back home, if it’s time to eat, eat, if it’s time to sleep, try to sleep. Starting to adjust back on the time zone you’re from will help you slide back into things when you get home. I also like to take some natural supplements to help me get back into my normal rhythm. Check with your doctor before you take either, but I find melatonin or 5htp to be really helpful to help me get a good night’s sleep when  I’m on the plane or finally back home. I take them 30 minutes before I want to sleep. Getting on a good schedule is so important and you might want to look into also getting your work on a smart schedule too https://www.sparkrock.com/scheduling/.

3. Get Outside
No matter how bad the weather is when you get home, if you arrive during the day it’s so important to get outside and get some sunshine. Even if it’s a cloudy day, your body will be absorbing some vitamin d and beginning to adjust to the time zone. I personally like arriving late at night so I can go straight to sleep, but the following day I ensure I spend extra time outside so I can help my body readjust to the new schedule.

Coming home can be a little challenging but with these three tips you’ll adjust as fast as possible.