Having Reservations about Going on a Gap Year?

Having Reservations about Going on a Gap Year?

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It is important to consider the fact that a year is a long time and unless you’re already quite a free-spirit it is more than likely you can’t just drop everything and go. With this situation comes the inevitable worries and reservations that may in the end inhibit you from travelling altogether.

Do not be afraid though. The following is a breakdown of some of the pre-gap year problems you may encounter and the solutions to ensure you fulfill your expeditionary ambitions.


The Worries

Some of the main worries that often affect people include:

Finances – whether you are a student or working full time, money (or lack thereof) is often a big worry for many.

Travel costs – particularly flights – are not cheap and nor is the cost of living in certain places.

Activities – it is not just about going places; it is entertaining yourself while you are there. It would be depressing to travel and find yourself just as bored as you were at home.

Storage – as previously stated above, a year is a long time and ultimately what about all your precious belongings it has taken your lifetime to amass? How can you be sure they’re safe?

Family and Friends – the people who love and care about you unfortunately won’t always be there. Homesickness can be dangerously infectious.


The Solutions

What you’ll be happy to know is that there are easy solutions to all of these:

Finances – this one is simple, you save money. Taking a loan is always risky so the most sensible course of action is to give yourself long enough to gather enough money.

Activities – the internet is a wonderful resource. It might sound obvious but thoroughly research your intended destinations for the cheapest/best places to visit or avoid. Also some trips offer work placements to subsidise your expenses.

Storage – There are professional and dependable storage facilities like Safestore Ltd to securely hold your belongings while you are away. Not only does this provide a straightforward service it also ensures you have peace of mind wherever you are.

Family and Friends – not an easy one to deal with as you will always miss your loved ones. What you need to remember is these people will want you to enjoy yourself, plus you will meet lots of new people who will become your surrogate family while you’re away.

The Trip of a Lifetime

If you take this advice you will make your gap year exactly what this subheading suggests; so don’t let your worries stop you from enjoying possibly the greatest time of your life.