Plitvice Lakes – Croatia

Plitvice Lakes – Croatia

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When you travel, there’s no right or wrong destination; just options.

Sometimes, especially when you’ve got time constraints, it’s possible to get overwhelmed by options.

I was trying to choose between Lake Bled, Slovenia and Plitvice Lakes, in Croatia.  

Fate would have it that it was easier to get to Zagreb and onto Plitvice than to lake Bled.

So it was decided.

Although I was devastated not to make it to Dubrovnik and beyond, this was a pretty good consolation.

I have some serious unfinished business in Croatia. It was hard to leave a country longing to see more.

Is there anywhere you’ve been that’s top of your “to return” list? 


  • Franca says:

    Simply amazing! We have been to Dubrovnik and from the pictures here I can assure you that the Plitvice Lakes look much nicer.. oh well, different is a better way to put it! 🙂
    One day maybe we will return to Croatia, us to the Plitvice Lakes and yourself to Dubrovnik. 😉

    • Izy Berry says:

      Yay! I’m kind of glad to hear that the lakes look nicer than Dubrovnik, although I’m still sad I missed out. YES! Let’s plan a trip to Croatia and we can cross over somewhere… next summer?!

  • Wendy says:

    Beautiful photography once again Izy. I haven’t been to Croatia yet but it is on the to-do list. I haven’t heard of Plitvice Lakes, until now.

  • Thanks for the photos and report! I’m really hoping to be able to visit here next month… we’ll see, it will depend on my hosts’ whims and work schedule. If not, I’m sure we’ll see some other cool stuff that’s closer. I really have no feel for geographical distance in that part of the world, and so far only know I’m spending a day in Dubrovnik and then most of the time probably in Montenegro.

  • Omg I’m so envious right now! I saw a pic of the lakes which made me want to visit Croatia but we ended up in Dubrovnik (check it out here and it would have been 6hr drive to the lakes..Oh well as you said, “there’s no right or wrong destination; just options”. I couldn’t agree more!

    • Izy Berry says:

      Ahh gorgeous photos. The lakes were amazing! I didn’t even know they existed before I went to Croatia… You’ll have to go back 😉

  • […] visited over 30 countries, taught in the Czech Republic and Cambodia and fell in love with the Plitvice Lakes. To hear more about her adventures follow her on Twitter or […]