Travel Lessons

Travel Lessons

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Morocco is almost entirely what I imagined, but in a way it’s very different too. Expectations are a tricky thing, especially when it comes to travel, because they can easily lead to disappointment. You spend so much time, energy and money when planning your adventure and all you can base your expectations off is reviews online, guidebooks and what people tell you about a place. Sometimes it’s spot on and sometimes it’s not. Dealing with disappointment on the road is really hard, but it’s important to get past it and make the most of your adventures.

As I’m really at the end of my travel money now, I’m cautious about money. I’m quite simply happier when travel is cheap. My trip to Morocco was part curiosity: a new country, continent and way of life. But if I’m honest there was a big part of me that picked it out because it’d be a good opportunity to slow down and save some money. I had heard it was really cheap from fellow travelers and read everywhere of bargain prices. So when I arrived at the train station in Tangier to find that the train ticket was over twice the price quoted, I felt deflated. 350 Dirham was a lot more than 160 Dirham and it just seemed to be a long line of things being more expensive than I planned. The ferry from Tarifa to Tangier was 36 Euros, we had read that it should be around 24 euros. We went to a supermarket in Tangier and paid more for groceries than we would expect to in Spain… what was going on here? What happened to my affordable adventure to Africa?


After an hour of feeling a bit sad that the prices had been so wrong, I finally clicked. After realising that yes, it is more expensive than I thought and yes it’s going to make my upcoming few weeks of travel a little more difficult. I finally realised that I am in AFRICA and tried to think of when I’ll next be here, which is probably at least a few years away. So, the cost of not enjoying this trip and not doing it properly will far outweigh the cost of dipping into my overdraft a little in the coming weeks, if I need to.  

Today I was called a princess told that  I “look like Lady Gagga” and that I have “beautiful eyes and a big ass” – they’re a bunch of charmers here. And there are snake charmers, too. 

I think I’m going to slowly fall in love with the winding streets and bustling markets of Marrakech.

Have you been to Morocco? Where did you love? Suggestions, please!


  • Love this!! Perfect timing, we often let our money situation get the better of us and it doesn’t allow us to enjoy where we are! I often have to remind myself, money is a renewable resource, memories are not! Works every time! 🙂

    Love the pics too, fab! I loved Morocco when I was there in Jan 2011…especially Essaouira on the west coast, you should try go there if you can, it has a much more relaxed vibe compared to the chaos of Marrakech! 🙂

  • Hannah says:

    I can completely relate to the catcalls, as I got a similar treatment when I was in Egypt several years ago. A lot of women see this as a reason not to visit north Africa, however I’m glad you’ve taken it so lightly since most of it is just harmless (and can also boost your self esteem a few notches).

    • Izy Berry says:

      Haha, I hear you on the self esteem boosting – a dangerous amount of ego stroking going on here. Got a whole new book of comments thrown at me, some are hilarious! It makes me a bit sad women let this put them off traveling, it’s such a small aspect of my trip.

  • Big ass! Love it!

    Seriously though, it’s hard to manage your expectations sometime especially when you’ve spent ages wanting to visit or dreaming about a certain country. Just power through it, put it on the credit card and worry about it later.

    • Izy Berry says:

      Haha, my credit card only has space for $500, but I should be okay. Picked up some free lancing writing that might tide me over a little 🙂

      Got a few new comments, will post them for you to enjoy haha

  • Daryl says:

    The photos look amazing! What’s funny is I met a lot of Africans when I was in Paris and I was told by more than one that I look like Lady Gaga…neither of us look like Lady Gaga, haha. Is this just something they say to caucasian girls? 😉

    • Izy Berry says:

      hahah yeah, maybe we look like famous, talented white girls? What do you think? 😛

      Morocco is craaaaaazy! I have advice for you if you plan a visit! x

  • […] you walk around the streets of Fes or Marrakech, you don’t see as many woman as men. When you do see woman, they’re usually covered […]

  • Wow, incredible shots! The last one really captures your eye.

  • Sounds just like the Morocco that I remember! I’m happy to hear you were able to subdue your financial concerns, enjoy the atmosphere more… and focus on fending mostly inappropriate but mostly flattering comments. 🙂