24 Hours in Hong Kong

24 Hours in Hong Kong

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This post will be the first 24 hours of my 48 hour trip to Hong Kong. It wasn’t my first trip to Hong Kong, previously I’d been there for a brief stop over. It was my first time outside of Australia or New Zealand and I remember how different everything felt. Everyone around me was speaking another language, the air smelled strange, massive billboards plastered with chinese characters – and that’s exactly where my wanderlust began. 

Originally I was supposed to be in Hong Kong for five days, but my plans were interrupted and it ended up being another short trip of forty eight hours. Not long enough to see all of Hong Kong, but just enough time to get a feel for this crazy bustling city.

As I was making my way to my hostel, I found myself in Victoria park – it’s a beautiful sanctuary away from the craziness of the street. There’s lush trees, with a skyline of tall buildings in the distance. It is possible, however, to find yourself completely lost in the lush forest and you feel so removed from the chaos on the street. 


As I was in Hong Kong on a Wednesday, the main museums are free! So I headed down to the Hong Kong Museum of Art. I was there mostly to enjoy the art, but also to enjoy the aircon. 

After enjoying the museum I made my way down to the Avenue of Stars, which provides a gorgeous view of Hong Kong Island. I always find the skylines of big Asian cities such as Singapore and Bangkok to be overwhelmingly impressive. The view from Avenue of the Stars must be one of the nicest in Hong Kong and the best part? It’s free. You can take a ferry across the harbor, which is something I actually did last time I was here – if the weather’s great this is a must do. 

I tried to find China Town, but google maps led me in the wrong direction and I ended up in what must have been Hong Kong’s red light district. I didn’t take any photos, but it was like Patong, Thailand had temporarily invaded Hong Kong, complete with ladyboys. One thing I love about Hong Kong is the fact there are a lot of pedestrian over bridges, so you can walk around the city above all the traffic and the busyness below. Also, there’s a building that looks like a transformer, which is all kinds of amazing. 

I was pretty tired after such a long flight and so much walking around, so I had an early night. In the next few days I’ll post what I did on my last day in Hong Kong. Even though it was a brief visit and I didn’t manage to do all that I wanted, I had a great time and would definitely love to spend more time there.