Postcards from Gili Trawangan

Postcards from Gili Trawangan

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People tend to get lost on Gili Trawangan, they come for a few days and stay a lot longer than planned. It’s a small island located near Bali in Indonesia. You can bike around it in an hour or so (it takes longer if your tyre pops and you have to walk through the undeveloped middle of the island). It’s one of the most beautiful places in the world to snorkel, dive, and relax on the beach. When I think of paradise, Gili Trawangan comes to mind. I know I’ll be back there someday.

Where in the world is your favourite island?




  • Spencer says:

    What wonderful pictures! For me they capture the spirit of travelling well.

  • Aji says:

    love it!!!… i’m Indonesian and went to Gili once for 3d/2n but seems not enough. great for relaxing time, an escape of your packed working days.
    wish for the next trip there with friends and/or familiy. gorgeous beach!!

    • Izy Berry says:

      Oh wow, where in Indonesia do you live? I loved it there – it’s so big though I completely underestimated the size of it. Yes! Gili would be the perfect place to go with a group of friends, or a special someone 🙂 Can’t wait to make it back someday. Thanks for your comment =)

  • Lily says:

    This is my home, paradise lost… <3

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  • Edna says:

    I fell in love with the Gilis almost immediately, before I even stepped off the boat from Bali. Due to scheduling errors we only had two nights there but I know I’ll definitely return! Paradise indeed.

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