7 Tips To Write An Extraordinary Best Man Speech
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7 Tips To Write An Extraordinary Best Man Speech

7 Tips To Write An Extraordinary Best Man Speech

Has your best friend bestowed upon you an incomparable honour? Being a best man ain’t easy, mate!

The responsibilities of a best man are endless. He is not just the right hand of the groom but a part-wedding organiser too. He has to find the best venue for the wedding, help the groom with his clothes and wedding vows, invite the guests and make sure the cake & band reach on time.

The two responsibilities that a best man often forgets are as follows:

  • Stag do

He is expected to throw an unforgettable single life farewell party to his mate. Finding the best UK stag do locations is not the only complicated task; booking the right attractions and activities is equally confusing and time-consuming. You need to make sure you don’t mess up the most excited pre-wedding moments of your best mate’s life!

  • Best man speech

Writing a speech for your lad requires time and efforts. He should feel special and loved when he listens to the wonderful emotions and memories that you are planning to share on his wedding day.

Read on to know how to write a hilarious, yet emotional speech for your best mate:


Plan ahead

As already mentioned above, you need to allocate a considerable amount of time to write the speech. Plan in advance what you would like to share with everyone because it cannot be something offensive or too personal to him. Writing off the bat might make it either too boring for the guests or too offensive for the bride and groom. Discuss with other lads about the structure and memories to make sure you don’t cross any boundaries. Expert advice- Don’t speak much about the bride or her guests.

Add humour to the recipe

The speech does not have to be all emotional or informative; it needs to entertain the guests as well. You have to remember snippets that you can share with everyone to make them laugh out loud; even the bride and groom. It will lighten up their mood; lowering the stress of their big day. Expert advice- Jokes, old memories and made-up moments should be added to the lot.

Showcase love

Some love should accompany the laughter as well. You know he deserves all the happiness in the world; try to say it out loud too. Don’t feel shy about sharing your love for him in front of everyone. It should be intense enough to make the bride jealous!

Have a killer opening and closing verse

The speech should have a killer opening and closing verse to have maximum impact on the guests. You need to target the groom in every line to keep everyone entertained. Don’t hold back!

Size matters!

Yes, the length of the speech matters! You have to make sure that you don’t bore the audience or delay any other planned activity, like band performance or dinner. Keeping it short and crisp or long and informative is not the right answer. Keep it long enough to entertain everyone and short enough to finish on time.


Practice multiple times before the actual day to make sure you don’t mumble at the right moment. It will also help you keep a tab on the timing and accordingly, you can adjust the length of the speech. Ask your buds to listen and give inputs to improve the humour in the bit.

Have a plan B

Not everything goes as planned. Better learn it here than to experience at the wrong moment. Always have a contingency plan! Make copies of your speech to avoid forgetting it at your place, and also have some spare lines to add if the moment demands it. In any case, better to be prepared than be sorry later on.

Be it the wedding preps or the speech or even the stag do; your mate relies on you for an unforgettable experience.

Plan it well! Give him your best!