5 Reasons You Need Travel Insurance
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5 Reasons You Need Travel Insurance

5 Reasons You Need Travel Insurance

Most people opt out of travel insurance these days, with many saying they don’t see the point in paying the extra $250 to $500 for something they’ve never used before.  Unfortunately, they don’t realize that the insurance isn’t there to be used constantly.  When the time comes that they need it, this traveler will be sore out of luck and also out of money.

Here are the top reasons anyone could use travel insurance.

Someone Gets Injured

Although you’d be lucky to be looking at real estate in Toronto if you got injured, since healthcare is free if you’re looking at homes for sale in America and you’re in worse luck, travel insurance helps you keep above any medical costs that may come from injuries while traveling.  Although it’s expensive, the upfront fee is far better than paying the total price of a broken wrist in America.

Your Luggage Vanishes

Many people still keep their laptops in their checked baggage, despite being told repeatedly that it’s a bad idea.  Because of this, if your luggage goes missing (something everyone inevitably has to deal with), you could be in charge of monetary loss.  Instead of going through that emotional and financial suffering, you can have the insurance cover it.

You Have To Cancel Parts or the Whole Trip

Despite your best-laid plans, sometimes there are moments when a trip has to be canceled.  There’s nothing you did wrong, but you can’t go despite having booked every flight and hotel, say for the three weeks.  Travel insurance can help you bounce back from this without having to be out thousands of dollars!  Instead, you’ll get back a large portion of your money and save for partying another day.  

Early Returns

Whether work is calling you, needing you back at the office, or your kid misses you desperately, sometimes we have to go back home early.   As much of a bummer as this is, it’s even worse when you realize that all of your planning is going into the trash!  Just like when you have to cancel parts or the whole trip, most travel insurance allows room for accidents like this so that you can get back home without going broke.  

Bad Weather Rocks Everything

As thoroughly as we like to plan, freak weather happens all the time.  From the bizarre winter storms in the Central USA in February of 2021 to the late winter winds hitting the East Coast in May of the same year.  If you’re traveling to another country and a sudden storm kicks up, or something that makes it impossible to live out your vacation dreams fully, your travel insurance will ensure that you have somewhere safe to stay while you’re there and will work to help coordinate a way to get back home.  This takes the stress off of your shoulders in an already stressful situation and allows you to breathe easily while your flights get rescheduled.

Travel insurance isn’t a relic of the past!  This great tool can save any vacation from going to waste, and everyone should invest in it.