5 Reasons Traveling by Bicycle is Amazing
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5 Reasons Traveling by Bicycle is Amazing

5 Reasons Traveling by Bicycle is Amazing

Over the past few years, we have seen how a lot of people became more and more interesting in using bicycles instead of the more “traditional” means of transportation (including cars and subways, for example).

Truth be told, using a bicycle is a truly amazing thing to do even when you are travelling. Why so? Why is it so great to travel by bicycle? We have gathered 5 of the most commonly encountered reasons – so read on if you want to find out more. If you’re looking to buy a bike online there are many options to suit every budget!


It’s really cheap

You don’t need to fill a bicycle’s tank with expensive gasoline. And the bike itself will be really cheap too (especially if you choose to settle for a second-hand high quality bike). If you are a budget traveller and if you want to explore a lot of places on a tight budget, a bicycle will be one of the best choices you have when it comes to travelling around.

It’s very healthy

Biking is one of those activities that stimulate your cardiovascular system and boost your immune system. If you want to get healthy, travelling by bike is an amazing option that costs almost nothing at all and is very fun too. Instead of simply jumping in the car and continuing with a sedentary life, biking will get your blood pumping, it will make you sweat a little, it will put your muscles to work, it will oxygenate your brain and it will make you feel really amazing about yourself too.


It can help you lose weight

If you are among those who want to maintain your weight (or lose some pounds), and if you want to make sure you stay slim even when traveling, biking is a really great way to do this. Because it is a cardio type of exercise, biking will help you burn the extra fat and it will help you build long, lean and beautiful muscles. And you don’t need a gym membership for that!

It allows you to see more

Traveling by bike will help you see more of the places you are visiting. It can help you breathe in some clean air when you are outside of the city. And it can help you stop wherever you want if you travel inside a city and if you are curious in its attractions. Furthermore, you will not depend on anyone’s schedule, so you can do things at your own pace and truly enjoy the places you travel through.


It’s the most environmentally-friendly means of transportation

If you are concerned with the environment (and you should be, considering the awful state humanity has brought it in!), you should know that bicycles are by far one of the most eco-friendly means of transportation. Because you don’t need fuel and because your bike will not emanate polluting gases into the atmosphere, your actions will have absolutely no impact on the environment – which in turn, will help it repair itself better. Definitely something we should all do more!