4 Ways to Save Money Around Your Home
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4 Ways to Save Money Around Your Home

4 Ways to Save Money Around Your Home

It can be hard when it feels like all the bills are coming in at once. During my years as a college student, I  learned how to be very creative about saving costs around the home. A little bit of money saved here and there every week can add up to big changes over the course of a year. Whether you’re saving for your next vacation, a new home, or just trying to lower your weekly expenses, here are four ways to save money around your home.

One of the easiest ways to save money is by using coupons, which can easily shave off a considerable amount of the purchase price. This is a great way to save for those things you just have to buy, or have been looking forward to buying for a while. Take a look over at this website for some great coupons that can save you considerable amounts of money.

1. Electricity
Depending on where you live, the cost of electricity will vary considerably. Back home in New Zealand, during the winter months, electricity can be very expensive – I’m talking $400-600 a month for a family home. This is a huge cost and so figuring out ways to cut down on heating costs was a big focus for me when I was living there. Small changes can make big differences in your power bill. When I would cook something in the oven, I would try to make two meals at the same time so I would be able to half my heating costs. I would then simply just have the other meal for dinner the following night and heat it up in the microwave. Water heating can also push the power bill up considerably, so small changes like taking shorter showers can do wonders for reducing the electricity bill.

2. Food Waste
There’s nothing worse to me than having extra groceries you don’t use and just end up throwing out at the end of the week. I really struggled with food waste, especially when college or work was at it’s busiest and I didn’t have time to cook as much as I would have liked. Having a clear meal plan and shopping for the ingredients you need to make those meals is a lot easier than walking around a grocery shop picking out things you think you might use. Food waste is not only a waste of money, but it’s a real shame when there are so many people out there struggling to buy food.

3. A Spending Ban
If you ask anyone what my favourite hobbies are, I’m sure that shopping will feature on their lists. I love shopping in all shapes and forms, whether its clothes shopping or gift shopping for someone else. Every few months I like to put myself on a shopping ban, where I allow myself $0 for non-essential shopping. You can choose how long you do the shopping ban, it can be for as little time as a week or even as long as a year – although I would really struggle with that one. Putting yourself on a spending ban is great because not only do you save money while on the ban, but you also reconsider your spending more thoroughly once you come off the ban too.

4. Cut Housing Costs
If you’re living in a rental, or own your own home, you’ll know that housing costs are pretty expensive. It might be worth looking at downsizing your house if you don’t need something quite so big, which can have a huge impact on your lifelong finances. If you’re not interested in changing your home, why not consider making some money from your property to help you save money? Airbnb can be a great side hustle for those of you out there with an extra bedroom or two. You can then use this money to help cover your rent or mortgage each month, leaving you with more money to save in the bank, no matter where your house is. It would be a perfect option for someone with a Great home in lyford cay Bahamas.

I hope my four simple tips of ways to save money around the home help you get a little ahead. Remember it might not seem like much at the time, but consistent money saving can make a big difference over the long haul.