4 Tips for Moving Houses
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4 Tips for Moving Houses

4 Tips for Moving Houses

Moving houses is often considered as one of life’s most stressful events, after all there’s the financial aspect to moving, as well as all of the hassle packing up your things, and then the logistics of moving. I have moved countries numerous times, as well as moved within the same country before. I’ve developed a system for moving that helps ensure it’s stress-free and goes as smoothly as possible. If you’re looking to move in the future, here are some tips to make it go as smoothly as possible.

1. Use Moving Services
If you’re in a financial position where you can afford help with the move, I say go for it! Once you add up the cost of hiring a trailer and taking time off work, sometimes it may be more economical to get the professionals in https://www.bciworldwide.com/portfolio/ and Bekins Moving Solutions have a range of moving services that will suit a wide range of budgets.

2. Pack in Advance
Packing your things up always takes so much longer than you would expect. I suggest starting a month before you plan to move to take some of the pressure off you. There are probably plenty of things in your home that you don’t use frequently that you can begin to pack up, such as off-season clothing, sporting goods that you rarely use and any family momentums like photographs. It might seem like an early time to start packing, but you’ll be so glad when moving day comes along and you have already packed up almost everything! Don’t forget to label all your boxes so you know where in the new house they need to go.

3. Clear Out as You Go
Moving can be the perfect time to downsize on your belongings – after all, many of us end up with hoards of things we’re not really sure why we have them or if we will ever use them. I always take moving house as an opportunity to clear through my baggage, literally. Ask yourself when the last time you used something and whether it’s worth carting with you to the new place. If it’s not, donate it, give it away to a friend or family member who might use it, or even sell it. There’s something so refreshing about starting in a new home without too much extra fluff.

4. Ask for Help
Moving can be really stressful and it’s a good time to call on your support network. Offer your friends some pizza and beers to help you move. Ask your family if they have any spare time to help. I personally find it better to have everything packed up so it’s just more the logistics of moving, rather than the packing and the moving which is obviously much more time-consuming. Just be prepared to be on call for the next time someone in your group moves. A few extra hands, or cars, can make a huge difference in terms of how long a move takes.

Moving can be very stressful, but with these tips it will be easier than ever!