4 Things You Need for a Safe, Healthy Holiday

4 Things You Need for a Safe, Healthy Holiday

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I am in serious travel planning mode. I have bought packing cubes, new locks, a carryon suitcase, a new passport and the list goes on and on. It is so exciting preparing for a new trip and this time I’m heading off with my boyfriend, which will be a treat in itself. After 30+ countries, 2.5 years on the road and a number of horror stories, I would consider myself to be well travelled. As such, I think I know what I need to travel safe and healthy:

1) Travel Insurance

I can’t believe people fly out without this, especially to countries where their medical costs aren’t covered. It just seems like a bad idea! I have seen too many horror stories in the news and on Facebook about people who had accidents (even if they weren’t their fault) while traveling and their family have had to raise tens of thousands of dollars for their treatment. It just seems stupid! Now there are lots of benefits to getting travel insurance, too many to list here, as well as travel insurance for over 60s benefits. Whatever you do, don’t leave the country without properly protecting yourself and insuring your health and safety.

2) Activated Charcoal

If you’re heading anywhere where you might find yourself with an upset stomach or food poisoning, please take some activated charcoal. When I have been traveling in Asia, an upset stomach is a fairly regular thing for me, happening every couple of months. I used to take a few heavy doses of antibiotics and hope that things disappeared as quickly as possible. However, antibiotics can be quite hard on your body and interfere with other medication, so I prefer to avoid them where possible. Activated charcoal is a great natural alternative and can help with other stomach aches, as well as hangovers too – magic.

3) A Spare Credit Card

I suggest traveling with at least one spare credit card and a spare debit card as well if you can. So many of my friends have had their bags snatched or stolen and found themselves with no spare cards or cash in a foreign place. That doesn’t sound like my dream holiday. Having a spare card is great because if one gets stolen or used online for fraudulent purchases, then you have t least another spare when you need it most.


4) A Neck Pillow
Honestly, I thought neck pillows were gimmicky and stupid and I couldn’t understand why people carted them around with them until I bought one out of curiosity. Wow – what a difference it makes, it really helps me sleep a lot better on planes and also ensures my neck doesn’t get too cramped. They are definitely a wise investment.

5) Noise Cancelling or Reducing Earphones

Ever been stuck on a plane with a crying baby while you’re traveling to sleep? It’s not really ideal. I finally invested in a pair of noise reduction earphones and have already noticed the difference, they are amazing. I can’t wait to test them out on a noisy, confined airplane.

What are your essentials for a great holiday? Let me know!