3 Tips for Growing Your Blog in 2019
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3 Tips for Growing Your Blog in 2019

3 Tips for Growing Your Blog in 2019

If you’re a blogger, then you’re probably constantly thinking about ways to grow your blog and increase your traffic. Every year things change so much due to Google updates and changes in the way social media platforms work. However there are some things that have proven effective over the years in growing your blog, and I wanted to share my top 3 tips for growing your blog in 2019:

1. Invest in Social Media
Social media is huge, I mean if you ask your friends how many social media platforms they’re on, I would be thoroughly surprised if they have any less than two. Most of us check out social media first thing when we wake up, throughout the entire day, and then again it’s the last thing we’re looking at before we fall asleep. If you’re not investing time and energy on social media, then you’re really missing out on a lot of traffic for your blog. I personally love Instagram and find it to be such a fun platform to engage with my readers and followers. I also really enjoy that it’s so image focused, which I think is even better for a travel blog. No matter which platforms you choose to invest in, you’re going to want to spend a decent amount of time learning how your followers respond to your content and how to increase engagement. Many successful bloggers get a majority of their traffic from Pinterest, so this is another avenue to explore if you haven’t already.

2. Don’t Skip SEO
Search engine optimization is such an important part of having a blog. If you don’t know what SEO is, then you’re going to want to spend some time investigating how SEO works and how best to use it for your industry. It can feel like a lot of work doing SEO on every post, but there are a few plugins that you can download to make this entire process easier. My favourite SEO plugin is Yoast and so many other bloggers enjoy using it too because it’s so simple to fill in all the information and it updates automatically. If you want to learn more about link building, check out this helpful link.

3. Make a Plan
I think it’s really important to make a plan and a set of goals for your blog from the get-go. If you want to hit 1000 readers a month, then write that goal down and figure out how you can reach that number. Setting clear goals is so important in any industry, but especially in blogging. When you are first starting out, chances are you feel like your blog is so small and not super relevant, but you need to remember all blogs started out this way! Having some clear, small, achievable goals that you can slowly tick off will help you stay motivated and on track. Click here for more information on a marketing toolkit to help you get started.

Blogging can be a fun hobby or an amazing career – you can choose how far you want to take it. Hopefully, these tips help you grow your blog in 2019.