3 Essentials to Pack When Travelling to New Zealand
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3 Essentials to Pack When Travelling to New Zealand

3 Essentials to Pack When Travelling to New Zealand

The land of the long white cloud can be a beautiful place to visit with a seemingly endless supply of photo-worthy sights. But to get the most out of your time here, need to arrive prepared for your trip. Below are a few of the essential items you should pack for an unforgettable time in New Zealand.

Bring Your Best Joggers

New Zealand is a land for outdoors enthusiasts, so it pays to bring your favourite pair of walking or sports shoes, as you’re bound to use them. Pack them into a sturdy hiking pack (you can get one from luggage retail websites like Bags To Go if you don’t have one), and head onto the hiking trails down south. Don’t forget to bring a packed lunch of some description, and watch out for the kia birds – they will steal it if you give them half a second’s opportunity!

Bring Your Favourite Poncho/Raincoat/Umbrella

One of the things New Zealand has plenty of is rain, and you don’t want to be caught out on holidays unprepared. Find something that will be light to travel with, easy to pack and stow, and, most importantly, will keep you dry! Depending on your intended activities, an umbrella may be a bit cumbersome, and isn’t particularly useful if you’d prefer to be taking photographs. If you opt for a poncho or raincoat, just remember that the cheaper it is, the more likely you are to get wet. One of the positives of a rain protector like this is that you can also cover your backpack and keep your belongings dry too. If neither of these are taking your fancy, you can choose to splash out on a high-quality spray jacket. If you’re not sure what to get, you can wait until you get to New Zealand; there is no shortage of sports clothing stores there to help you choose the perfect jacket.


Get Ready to Become a Shutterbug

New Zealand has one of the most beautiful and diverse environments in the world. The one thing you must not forget is your camera. You will want something that isn’t going to get in the way of you enjoying yourself, but will still take enduring, beautiful photographs to soften your post-holiday blues. If you’re a bit of an adventurer, then it might be worth looking at a GoPro or something that can capture the journey without requiring both your hands. If you’re planning to get involved in water sports, a waterproof camera will be a necessity.

Whatever your intended holiday plan, there’s no need to stress. New Zealand has just about everything you could possibly need, so if you forget to bring something, you have two options: pick yourself up a new one in New Zealand or realise it probably wasn’t that important if you forgot it and get on with enjoying your trip. Have you travelled to New Zealand before? What do you think is an absolute must-take for a trip there? Share your NZ travel tips below.