25 Things About Me

25 Things About Me

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It’s almost my 25th birthday which is kind of exciting and a little bit terrifying. It’s funny, because I can remember being five or six and thinking the kids who were 11 or 12 were so old! I was never really fussed about turning 18 or 21, but for some reason 25 feels like a real benchmark; a turning point. It is, after all, a quarter of a century, which is a pretty impressive feat. To celebrate my upcoming change of age I decided to write 25 random facts about me… 


1) I can’t swim. I can make movement in the water but it’s horribly inefficient. I am, however, an excellent floater.

2) If I’m really drunk I pick up a fake English accent.

3) I can tolerate spiders but am terrified of rats.

4) The taste of cucumber used to always make me gag, until last year – now I quite like it.

5) I’m not ticklish.

6) I have a heart shaped freckle.

7) I was vegetarian for four years throughout my teenage years, but bacon made me quit.

8 ) Every time I find a song I like I will listen to it on repeat for days or weeks until I’m sick of it and can’t listen to it for a few months.

9) When I was small I wanted to be an airhostess or pilot, now I don’t know what I want to be.

10) I once licked a spider for $50, but I was worried I didn’t actually lick it, so licked it again.

11) When I first went traveling I didn’t set an alarm or wear shoes for two months; it is one of my proudest life achievements.

12) I am terrified of needles, but try to donate blood whenever I can, especially at the Angkor Children’s hospital in Siem Reap.


13) I love taking photos of others, but hate being in photos.

14) I am a decent driver, but I always prefer to be driven than to drive – even when I had my own car.

15) I am a hopeless romantic, but I don’t want to be.

16) I believe in some kind of fate or destiny: that things happen exactly as they’re supposed to.

17) I’ve wanted to get the same tattoo for the last two years, but have commitment issues.

18) I’ve had my belly button pierced for almost 11 years.

19) I really don’t know if I’ll ever live in New Zealand again long term. 

20) I think gifting flowers is stupid; I’d much prefer to receive a plant.

21) I get really anxious before I fly, but love being on a plane.

22) I pronounce “i” as “e” and vice versa. I’ve been teased numerous times for how I say “bed” “head” “leg” “six” and so on.

23) I don’t like people touching my elbows. I will freak out if people try.

24) I commonly get mistaken for being younger than I am. Just the other day a few other volunteers thought that I was 18 (score!).

25) My real name is Christine but I prefer my nickname Izy. Christine seems just far too serious for this stage in my life. 

So there are 25 random facts about me!

I know there are a lot of people that lurk on my blog and I’d love for you to introduce yourself so I can learn a little more about my readers 🙂 


  • Erik says:

    You’re the best! Thanks for sharing!

    I think you know me pretty well- I’m a hopeless devotee to your home country (even though I decided to go elsewhere on my trip this year), but I’ll be back NZ!

  • Stuart Price says:

    01) I once climbed a mountain in Germany and at the top, my left leg was in West Germany and my right in East Germany. I could also see the Soviet watch tower looking at the American one.

    02) I’m terrible at keeping phones, and have had around 40 different phone numbers.

    03) I’ve never known what I wanted to do for a career.

    04) I worked security at a rock festival and worked on the V.I.P area where Motorhead were serving me beer because ‘if they were getting drunk for free, so was I’

    05) I took part in football/soccer penalty competition in junior school, in front of 5,000 people I scored my penalty but we lost 4-1.

    06) I’ve never broken a bone in my body.

    07) I did however, fall off a house and knock myself out for 6 hours.

    08) I’ve never been sailing or boating.

    09) I once rode a kayak down the base of a snow covered mountain.

    10) I have only lived in 4 towns, usually getting homesick rather quickly but currently I’ve been at my latest place for two and a half years.

    11) I never learned to drive because I thought I’d grow up to have a chauffeur.

    12) I did a crash course in professional wrestling, I was good at it but didn’t want to move 600 miles away from home when I was younger.

    13) I’ve sold T-shirts to people on every continent besides Antartica.

    14) When youtube was new I was pretty well known on there.

    15) The first time I seen a stripper I was 11, she was in my front room at my Father’s 40th birthday party… I refused to go to bed so I could watch the show, and hid on the stairs.

    16) My longest relationship was four years, the one before that was for two and the one before that was for two also… In between there were far too many ‘one night deals’.

    17) I considered moving to Uganda to work security for a Christian missionary, though I am not religious.

    18) Though not a complete conspiracy theorist, I often question everything before making my own mind up.

    19) I have 2 tattoos which are tribal, they were inked long before it was cool.

    20) I have 11 nieces and nephews, who cost a small fortune at Christmas.

    21) I once had my eyebrow pierced, which was inadvertently ripped from my head.

    22) If I’m watching a movie and I can see where everything is going with it, I can’t watch it.

    23) I have very few possessions and prefer to live with my life in a suitcase.

    24) I don’t think I’ll do the whole settling down thing with marriage though I do believe in love.

    25) I was almost born in Germany, but my Mother decided not to move with my Grandparents.

    There you go Izzy 🙂

  • Ally says:

    I totally get the elbow thing, people just shouldn’t touch other people in awkward spots!

  • Shaun says:

    You did what to a spider!!!! I can hardly be in the same room as one and there wouldn’t be enough money in the world to get me to lick one. Your certainly brave 🙂

    • Izy Berry says:

      Or a poor student. I must admit, it was the least spidery spider I’d seen haha 🙂 I wouldn’t lick anything that could potentially kill me.