What I Want

What I Want

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I decided it was time to sit down and articulate what I want from life.

First of all, I want to wake up in locations like this more often. 

Secondly, I want to follow my dreams.

When I went back to New Zealand I got wound up in emotions, met someone who took me by surprise and it was all wonderful. But after leaving, while I realised that particular person was special and someone I could see myself being with, I realised that I wouldn’t get to do it on my terms.

Compromise is a fact of life, but not really something I’m particularly interested in at this stage. Maybe it’s being selfish, maybe it’s being silly, but I just have so many things I want to do in life and I can’t imagine someone else fitting perfectly into the picture.

At least for now. 

In the past few weeks I started freelance writing and am now earning enough to travel contiously. I don’t know how long it will last, but I’m really enjoying it for now and have a few ongoing jobs that I think would cover me for a long time…

So that found me in an interesting position – I have one-way flight back to New Zealand at a time I probably wouldn’t have chosen if I was the only factor. I contemplated canceling it, postponing it, staying on in Istanbul and volunteering and pushing this freelance writing for all that its worth, but then I remembered an important quote that I like to keep fresh on my mind, always:

There is time for everything

At least everything you want to make time for. So, I can go back to Istanbul later and do that if I want to.  

So what am I thinking? I am going to use that flight to New Zealand, i’m going to see my friends and family, sort out my affairs, do some traditional work (too) in order to boost up my travel fund good and proper and then I’m going to bolt.

The next trip I take, I want it to be with the intention of relocating somewhere else. I want to LIVE overseas for a decent period of time, set up my own social group, have my own flat/apartment and get under the skin of the city I choose.

I have a few options in mind and I’d love any feedback on them. My plan is to be able to save, so I’m looking for somewhere on the cheaper side of things, bonus points if the native language is Spanish, though I’m considering hiring myself a Skype teacher so I can continue my Spanish anywhere.  

Chiang Mai, Thailand – cheap, warm, good expat community, great food 
Ubud, Bali, Indonesia – cheap, warm, awesome vibe, good expat community, amazing yoga barn 
Buenos Aires, Argentina – never been, but I know I wold love this city, it’s a bit more expensive than the other places, but Spanish! 
Costa Rica – formally an expat haven, they speak spanish, ideal climate, a good location for exploring more of central America
Somewhere, India – cheap, somewhere I would love to volunteer, great food
Mexico – cheap, great food, good climate, Spanish
La Paz, Bolivia – I’ve always been obsessed with visiting Bolivia, I don’t know why. I’d love to volunteer there, they speak Spanish, it seems to be a lot cheaper than Argentina and Chile
Berlin, Germany – I love Berlin, can apply for a freelance visa if my work is still solid by then, and it’s one of the coolest cities I’ve ever been to, but there’s no way I’m going anywhere near it until winter’s over.

So that’s my list of main contesters, if I’m missing anything, let me know! I’d love some suggestions. I don’t think I’ll be moving overseas for another 3-6 months, so I’ve got some time to build up some funds and make some plans. 

In the mean time I’m off to Vienna next week, Croatia, Bulgaria and Turkey – it’s gonna be an intense few weeks, but the perfect way to say goodbye to two years of solid adventure. 

(Here’s to the next two…)  


  • Yay! I love reading posts like this. I’m so glad you’re actually thinking about yourself and what you want your life to look like. I made the mistake of sticking with a relationship that was never going to work early in my 20s and now I feel like I missed out on a lot of opportunities.

    Love the idea of your plan to move some cheap, live for a bit, work on your Spanish and get your freelancing going.

    Have a look at raisingmiro.com. They’re been going slow through Central and South America. Lainie would be a great person to ask about specific locations.

  • Clao says:

    Hola bonita!!

    I have been reading your blogs as one of my friends told me about you and your traveling experience. I know you did write this blog while ago but I couldn’t stop myself from give you a suggestion about where to live ;p. I am from Colombia and I live in NZ atm, I haven’t travel much around the world but a few places and I can definitely recommend you to go to Buenos Aires Argentina, I been there a few times and I’m in love with that place; beautiful people everywhere, amazing mix between European and South American culture, so much history, romantic tango, great party, markets etc and etc… anyway this is my suggestion, maybe you like or maybe no but if you go to South America sometime, please go there, then Brazil, Colombia, Peru … hehe oh and if you like let me know so I can give you some info not much, but maybe about places or people that live there that I met here in NZ that you can contact just in case. Good luck in all your trips 🙂