My Travel Catalyst

Borobudur temple, Indonesia, 2011


Well, seeing as we’re being honest here, my catalyst was an unexpected break up. I reevaluated everything and realized that I was living a life that I wasn’t happy with. From the outside I was blessed: I had a decent job, a nice apartment and nice things, but I came to realize that none of them really mattered to me. What I craved more than anything was a lifetime of experiences. One day, when I’m gray and I have “too many” wrinkles, I want to look back and know that I took chances and followed my heart.

A few weeks after the break up I had a ticket booked to Sydney with some friends. I’d been talking about visiting Thailand forever, but was too scared to do it alone. Our flight landed at some ridiculous hour in the morning, I was tired and grumpy. I noticed some money lying on the floor. Free money? The best.  With my brand new backpack in tow, I leaned down to pick it up. It was twenty Baht (Thailand’s currency). I understand you’re obviously more likely to find foreign currency in an airport but I never find money. Then, to find the currency of the country you’re contemplating visiting? Serendipity.  Two weeks later I boarded a one way flight to Phuket – the best decision I ever made. And my only regret, so far? I wish I had done it sooner. 

I ended up traveling around South East Asia twice (with a brief stint home in between). After being extensively templed out (it’s a genuine symptom) I decided to randomly move to the Czech Republic for six months. The end of that adventure is nearing, but in April I’m going to the United States, back to New Zealand for a few weeks, Australia and Hong Kong before moving to Spain for a while… I have no idea what will follow. At the moment I’m exploring the option of having a location independent lifestyle, so that I can continue my perpetual travel. I’m choosing to pursue happiness and not wealth. I’m letting myself experience uncertainty instead of routine. I’m taking chances instead of wondering and maybe most importantly of all: I’m living instead of merely being alive. Follow me on this crazy adventure.

And if you’re on the brink of packing your bags and exploring a little more, I hope this blog pushes you over the edge. It’s nice here.