Magical Sintra

Magical Sintra

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Travel in Europe is just different to Asia. Being a first world nation means we have all those comforts and luxuries we’re used to, clean water, flushing toilets, and a high standard of living. But with those conveniences, it seems we’ve constructed another thing; walls. I can’t decide whether it’s because people are too busy living their own chaotic lives, or whether it’s because developed worlds are just less friendly, but there are bigger walls between tourists and locals in Europe. It’s a lot harder to find yourself welcomed into their world, particularly in Western Europe.

One of my favourite things about travel is meeting locals. Although Europe has a lot of charms, history and amazing sights, I feel myself yearning for that openness and warmness that South East Asia presents you with. I’ve spent a lot of time in Europe, while loving it, “sort of” wishing I was in Asia. I guess I’m just missing those special people, with giant smiles, that welcomed me into their lives.

When I was in Lisbon I was riding a very busy tram, it was crowded and filled to the brim with tourists and a few locals. I had a comfortable seat, that had taken me a while to earn. A little old lady, who was maybe 70 or 80 got on the tram. I was shocked as she moved down the tram, no one got up to offer her a seat. So, as soon as she approached me I sprung up and offered her my seat. She thanked me with one of those entire-face-lit-up smiles. As she went to sit down, she gently pulled me in close and planted the biggest kiss on my cheek. It was a brief, but lovely, moment where I felt a little more connected to an actual Portuguese person (a rarity in Lisbon).

As I start planning my next adventures, for 2013, I’m going to work my plans around places where I imagine there are less barriers between people. I want to meet locals. I want to fumble in a foreign language. I want to share smiles and giggles with complete strangers. And above all, I want to see a little more of their world and in turn learn a little more about my (wider) world, too.


I spent a day in Sintra, just a short train ride out of Lisbon and it was absolutely charming. Little cobblestone streets, a beautiful old castle and it was very unpretentious. A day is probably long enough to enjoy Sintra, but it’s certainly worth a visit and the views from the hike up to the castle are really something special. I wasn’t supposed to be in Lisbon as long as I was, but it was so difficult to leave. The next time I’m in Europe I’ll definitely be dedicating a lot more time to Portugal, I’d love to explore both North and South of Lisbon, especially the beaches.

Now I’m back in Spain for a few days, before I embark on my adventure to Africa – I’m so excited!