Girl Interrupted

Girl Interrupted

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After just arriving in New Zealand I wrote a post about the downside to travel and since then I feel like everything has changed. The last time I was back in New Zealand was February last year. A devastating earthquake had torn apart my home town and family, causing me to cut my time in India short. As much as I was glad to be back, to be able to support my family, I wasn’t myself. I wasn’t happy here and I was itching to get back to The Rest Of The World.

This trip home was a conscious decision, fueled by a genuine desire to see my friends, family and country again. From the beginning it felt different. I had worried about reverse culture shock and had intentionally planned a short time frame home so I didn’t get bored. I wanted my trip home to be special, but fleeting.

And then life got in the way of all of my plans. My dad wound up in hospital and I chose to miss my flights in order to be here for him. He’s fine now, but, if I’m honest, there’s another reason I want to stay.  I’ve already said more goodbyes than anyone should have to say in a lifetime and each is getting a little harder. Since being home I’ve met someone I’m not ready to say goodbye to. I just don’t want to. I know that I have to return to Europe for myself, but for now there’s a little less spring in my traveling step. I’m mindful of the fact that having my camera stolen has really changed travel for me, but it’s good being challenged and forcing myself past it. 

As much as I’m tempted to stay, I think it’s important to follow through with my summer plans. I’m looking forward to spending some time in Sydney, getting lost in Hong Kong, visiting friends in London and making my way to Madrid for the summer, via Portugal. After I’m finished I want to visit Croatia, Slovenia and Italy before making my way back to New Zealand.  I’m gifting myself a summer in New Zealand because I’m greedy and because I’m madly in love with my own country, too. 

And because the coffee is just way better here. 


  • I love Addington Coffee Co-op!

  • Cally says:

    I love that you’re so open minded about where and what you’re doing! I think though, if you’re not ready to leave somewhere, whether that’s here or somewhere further from home, you should hang about until you are so that it doesn’t feel like saying goodbye, it feels like you’re saying ‘see ya later’ (another adorable Kiwi expression that took me so long to get used to!). I’m sure the right decision will come to you at the right moment… In the mean time, NZ is lucky to have you home xxx

    • Izy Berry says:

      Thank you for your kind words, my beautiful friend. It is friends like you that make it so hard to leave… but I’m grateful to know whenever I return you’ll still be here. Thanks for your support, it means the world <3

  • Izy, well, I know how you feel. I am just going home 2 months earlier from my trip just because it is summer back home and I want to be with my family … and those goodbyes, you are so right! I have been living and traveling outside my own country for almost 9 years now and each time I go home, it is different to leave and I don’t know why … enjoy home and everyone there!

    • Izy Berry says:

      I can’t imagine what it must be like after 9 years? That must be hard. Do you spend much time back in Slovakia? I was in Bratislava in April, it’s really pretty!!!! I think I will have to plan in more regular trips back to New Zealand to see everyone because being away is too much for too long 🙂

  • Erik says:

    I love your country and am having a great time here- but when it’s time to go home in a few weeks, I won’t look back. As much as traveling is part of our soul, so are the people we care about.

    • Izy Berry says:

      I’m glad you’re enjoying it and sorry that I didn’t manage to see you. I don’t want to leaaaaaveeeeeeeeeee. It’s paradise! What else do you have planned for your trip?

  • […] – read: I want to rearrange the universe so this can be something, someday… soon.  My plans were interrupted, partially due to be taken back by the feelings that developed. But I have managed to push my […]