Coming Home

Coming Home

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Everyone will gush about how wonderful their adventures were overseas, the people they met, the places they saw and the food they tried. 

Nobody is really open about the fact that it’s hard coming home. When you walk outside, you’re surrounded by the familiar, the normal. There’s little appeal in walking down the streets of your neighborhood in a bid to find something new, because it’s so familiar and you’ve seen it all before. Here in New Zealand everything seems so expensive; even compared to Europe. The weather doesn’t compare to the Spanish sun and everyone speaks English, which is a lot weirder than it sounds right now. 

But I need this. I need this time to sit down and figure out the next move.

I need to sit through this uncomfortable discomfort of being home and being still. I need to refocus myself, reevaluate all of my goals. I need to do yoga, run, be on the beach, spend time with friends and family. 

The truth is;  I want this -I’m really happy in Christchurch. I’ve surprised myself by how glad I am to be here and how right this feels. 

Whenever I went anywhere and met someone new, they’d hear all about New Zealand and how beautiful it is, and how much they should definitely pay a visit. I’m home now, for a long while, and I want to share with all of you the beauty of New Zealand.

In April I lost my camera, which probably doesn’t seem like a big deal, but last night I realised it was more like losing my sight. I can still see, but there’s nothing encouraging me to stop, focus and to see the beauty in everything and nothing.

So as soon as I can, I’m buying a new camera and I’m going to invest the time into falling in love with my beautiful country all over again.