2013: Goals and Plans

2013: Goals and Plans

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I’m not in Asia at the moment.

I was supposed to be somewhere in Thailand drinking fresh coconuts and rocking some awkward tan lines, but I’m not. I decided to stay, for something – for someone. It didn’t work out, in fact it exploded in the worst possible way and something that was quite lovely became toxic and painful. But, at the very least, I know and I can move forward with a clear mind and a heavy, but hopeful heart. 

This poster is probably the single most moving piece of text I’ve ever read, because it always seems to find me when I need it most. Sometimes we get so caught up in our day-to-day lives or heartache that we forget to start living, truly and without restriction.

The thing is, we only get one shot at this life thing so you gotta do what works for you. 

It’s always sad, mourning that loss. But one thing I’ve learned over the years is to trust in the universe, no matter how uncomfortable or confusing something is. Because it always seems, somewhere down the track – whether it be a month or a year – you get this sense of knowing, of understanding.

You finally understand everything before this moment had to happen exactly as it did so that you can be here, present, and in this moment.

Right now that feels a world away, but I know it’s awaiting me and I’m excited to experience that feeling, in time. 

For now I’ve decided to focus on the wonderful and beautiful things in my life, rather than all the hurt and confusion. So these are my goals. 

* At present I’ve visited 31 countries, which is pretty decent for two years travel. For 2013 I’d like to get up to 40 and I probably should finally tackle China seeing as everyone goes on about how amazing it is. 

* I want to volunteer, a lot. It’s the one thing that really speaks to me, and it’s the thing I’ve failed to do more of on my travels. 

* I want to see my friends and family more. I’m pretty good and disappearing off the face of the planet for a year at a time, but after meeting my nephew and being around my family and friends a bit longer this trip, this no longer feels like a viable option

* I want to learn to meditate. I want to get deep inside my mind and learn more about myself. 

* I want to take a Thai massage course

* I want to get to South America, or at least Central America. 

* I want to do more random acts of kindness

* I want to finish my photography E-Book that I’ve been neglecting since April

* I want to cuddle some elephants

* I want to find a balance between enjoying now but preparing for my future

* I want to turn this blog into the helpful resource I know it can be


But most of all, I want to fall in love with this crazy world all over again. I’m giving myself the world, like I’ve done many times before, but this time I’m going to give myself to the world too. I’m going to dive in, arms wide, and I’m going to see what kind of adventure I end up on. 

What’s on your list for 2013? Inspire me! This list will be a work of progress and I’m looking forward to reflecting on it at the end of next year. 



  • I have not decided on my travel plans for 2013 yet. Here are some possibilities: Spain – I can not get enough of it. Croatia/Slovenia/Slovakia – These are all high on my list and might be the next up.

    I do know I am going to Las Vegas for a convention in January and to Toronto for the TBEX conference. Everything else is wide open.

  • Rain says:

    this post resonates with me. with my 2010, in particular. <3 you are beautiful! 😉

  • Kaylin says:

    I’m planning on Italy and Germany for sure. I’ve temporarily living in France teaching English so I’m taking advantage of my school holidays in the spring to go. Never been to either before and really can’t wait, especially Italy. I am SO EXCITED to go to Rome and Pompeii!! I’m a huge archaeology nerd.

    I’m also going back to NYC and DC for the first time in 8 years in May; last time I was with my mom and 16 years old so this time I am hoping to experience for one, more nightlife, and two just in general getting lost and wandering around Central Park or something without my mom micromanaging everything and freaking out about how we’re gonna get mugged (we weren’t).

  • Hi,

    Sorry that things didn’t work out, and I wish you the best with your 2013 goals and plans. 🙂

    All the best


  • Dusty says:

    Hi Izy,
    Thank you for this great post. Something I can also relate to.
    My travel plans are quite boring for the start of the year, staying in the UK, perhaps a trip to see family in the Netherlands, and then head to New Zealand on a work and holiday . although staying there put for up to a year, I want to do more sailing, learn to ski and when its a little warmer, get back on that surf board!!!

  • memographer says:

    Very good and kind list. I want to cuddle some baby elephants too!

  • Sophie says:

    Wise words on that poster! Best of luck with your plans for 2013!

  • Michelle says:

    Those are some really exciting plans you have for 2013!! Mostly my plans for the new year involve applying for grad school in Germany, and contining to travel around Europe 🙂

  • Andy says:

    That is a nice list Izy! I think that we could all use more random acts of kindness and volunteering in our life. Giving our time and effort is such a great humbler in our lives. Congrats on your travel accomplishments and best wishes for the New Year!

    • Izy Berry says:

      Thanks for your kind words Andy! I think it’s always good to give back when you can. I’ll be heading back to Cambodia soon and I’ll be donating blood at the Angkor Children’s hospital 🙂 Just something small that (hopefully) makes a difference!